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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

Making that Paper

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Today I transferred money from mturk work to my bank account. I only deposited $13, because I want to be sure I have some just in case I see something on Amazon I want. But I am glad to be making extra money. Especially, after Dad told me today that his truck driver job fell through. It doesn't affect me at all, because I will still most likely be used when Georgia gets everything ready to start the business. It just means that Dad will have to wait to fulfill his dream of driving a truck. Of course, I already knew nothing would come of it.

I didn't really play a lot of video games today. Other than a little bit of Skyrim and some Osu!, I didn't play. I did however, watch a few YouTube videos on sexism in video games. More specifically, the idea of damsels in distress in video games. I already posted my opinions on the video series on another forum, so I will most likely not post my opinion here. I did post my opinion on my gaming blog along with the videos and a response video, so go check them out if you have the time.

Tomorrow I have to call the office and check if the inserts for Thursday's paper will be in the shed. Other than that, there are no plans. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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  1. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
    I felt the same way when I read an article about negative stereotypes in videogames. The author listed single examples of characters that she thought were a negative stereotypes (damsels in distress, like three characters from Street Fighter, etc), but didn't touch on characters who are the exact opposite, or at least what she considered would be a better alternative.

    I'd find the link but it was pretty badly written to begin with.
  2. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    That's similar to what the person in the video did. She provided examples of some strong female characters, but discredited them as being weak and even mocking attempts by the game companies at making such characters. She failed to mention the notable ones (Lightning, Laura from Unlimited SaGa, Konoko from Oni, Shion Uzuki, Yumi from Ape Escape 3, etc.) She could have mentioned the transformation for Yuna in both X and X-2 and how she was so meek in the first, but stronger and more independent in the second.

    Not only that, she provided scenes from games that were out of context from the actual game. I have the video links in my gaming blog so you can see for yourself.