Looking up...
, 05-21-2016 at 04:11 PM (2184 Views)
I apologize for my lack of activity this last month. I haven't had Internet access until a few days ago. Tom cancelled our at the house, and I went and got permission to have it reinstalled in my name. Which is just fine with me. I prefer having all of the power. Mwa ha ha! No, but seriously, I don't mind who uses my Internet. I have the patience to wait for webpages to load. If other people don't, then that's their problem. And that was Tom's problem. The speed wasn't fast enough for him, so he cancelled it.
Work is going very well. Actually, there has been so much work lately, that I had to tell Joe I could no longer work with him. I enjoyed having the money in my wallet as soon as the work was finished, but there are other people to work for that pay more than $8 per hour.
One of those places is NOT the newspaper. When my sister stopped working at the office, there was a space to fill on Thursdays. So, they talked me into watching the office on that day. At $3 per hour. Yes, the pay sucks, but I don't have to do anything other than sit at a desk. I could sell ads if I wanted more money, but there is usually other stuff I would rather do.
And the reason I had to stop working with Joe is because I start working at GE full time this coming week. I will be earning $10 per hour there to start, and I get to keep my route on Thursdays. And that won't change until I find someone who is willing to pay me more than $70 for the three hours of work I do as a carrier for the newspaper.
In other news...
I start summer classes at the local college in June. I go this Monday to register for classes. I took the placement test last week. My writing score was pathetic (shocking , I know). My math score was better than expected. The proctor even said that she hadn't seen a score that high on it before. I was speechless. Anyway, I qualify for College Algebra, and Finite Mathematics, depending on what I chose to study. Right now, I was thinking of just doing a general Associate's of Sciences degree, but I am also leaning toward getting a HVAC certification as well. It would get me more money with Larry business. But I still don't know.
Video games still get played, just not as often, or for nearly as long per sitting. And video games also get purchased at a slightly slower pace. I did get a GameStop rewards card. Several of my friends are like, "You could be saving so much money." And I am like, "Fine, I will get one."
Oh, driving. I still can't do it legally, but I am getting the hang of it.
Well, that's about it for now. I am sleepy, and it is only 7:12pm here. Oh well. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...