1-0, and highest score in the League!
, 07-23-2014 at 08:08 PM (735 Views)
So, about two hours ago, the first match ended and the second began. Instead of going full force into it like last time, I spent this time acquainting myself with my new opponent. I also finished up the tally for the first matches scores. I won against cybershark91 with a score of 70-61 (or 76-61 if they choose to count the gold trophy I earned in Minecraft). cybershark91 was really bringing it close, choosing to start earning trophies for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Those trophies put me in to panic mode as I hadn't been earning any. So I brought in Jak II to clean up and end it. The two of us were bringing in trophies up until the last minutes of the match, with me getting in the final trophy only ten minutes before time expired. Together, we accumulated 99 trophies (me- 57, cybershark91- 42).
Compared to the rest in the Bronze League, I scored the highest amount of points. My opponent scored the third highest amount. My second opponent is ShogunCroCop, an American who is currently Level 13 and 81%. I think the best part is that he has announced he will be on vacation for the entirety of our match. No, that's not the best part. The best part is that he was hoping to face me later on in the competition. It seems like I have a target on my back for performing so well. All of this makes me feel a tad bit giddy.
This evening, Jackson was whining at the door and wanting out. When I went to let him out, there was a reason why he was whining. A small kitten was at the door and meowing. I sent a message to Carma, and it looks like we have a new family member. Brutus and Cleo don't seem to like the nameless little feline, but Jackson and the cat have really gotten to be best friends. At first, the cat wouldn't stop meowing, but the kitten is very quiet with Jackson. I think the kitten will fit in nicely.
Well, I have to get some sleep. I was going to sleep earlier, but then the cat came, and it wouldn't be quiet. So I will try now. I guess three potential hours of sleep is better than zero. Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...