Long Day, but a Good Day
, 05-10-2013 at 07:54 PM (1366 Views)
I left the house this morning at 8:30am. I brought my jacket with me, because it was supposed to rain a lot. It didn't rain at all on my ride to work. I arrived at the office at 9:20 (I took my time), and Misty hadn't arrived yet. She said yesterday that before she left for her sales trip, she would stop in and tell what I'd be doing today.
So, I went to the store and bought a soda. At 9:45, Misty arrived. Unfortunately, her trip was cancelled because Jen cut her hand badly and was in the hospital. It was really a blessing in disguise, because after she came to the office, the storm came.
Anyway, instead of the sales trip, she decided to help me with my work. I worked on the in house menu for Sideline Pizza (some place that I have never been and probably will never visit). Basically, this was a test to see how I perform. I made the majority of the menu today by myself. Other than the front cover, it was all me. Misty offered suggestions on images and she did instruct me on how to do a couple things I haven't done before.
I worked from 9:30 to 3pm nonstop. When the owner stopped in to check on everything, Misty said that I was doing an excellent job.
One example:
While the owner was there, Misty handed me a business card of a business card and told me to make an ad for the menu that looked as close to the card as possible. I wish I sent a copy to my home computer to show you! I couldn't make it exact, so I made it better. Some of the card's information was hard to read, because it was black lettering on a black background. I changed the black background to gray to make it legible. But other than that, it was dead on. When I was finished, I walk into the front office and asked if they wanted to see the ad. They followed me back to my workstation, and both of them said that my ad was better than the original.
So, with the help of Misty, I managed to catch the owner's attention and prove my worth at the job. At 4:20pm, we were still working. The menu reached the end of the first draft, and we were now making changes to fit everything in it. There are a few ads that need put in, and some menu items rearranged to fit. But other than that, it looks great. I would have them here for you to see, but the Sent Emails I sent to the owner were deleted.
So it will have to wait until Monday when I work again. By the end of work on Monday, the entire menu should be finished and I will send all six pages to my computer.
After coming home, I ate dinner and watched a few YouTube videos. I caught up on the social network stuff I missed. And that's it. I still haven't taken my messenger bag off my bed.
Tomorrow I am spending the day doing a whole lot of nothing. And a little bit of the usual. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...