Little Annoyances...
, 04-27-2014 at 05:23 AM (976 Views)
I am typing this entry at 8am Sunday morning.
Yesterday I spent the majority of the day by myself. It was nice. However, I had no idea that I would be here by myself that long. I assume Carma was working more, maybe she had another run to do. Anyway, they didn't get back until 3pm. During the time here alone, I cleaned the house up some, played video games, and did normal things I usually do.
Joey and I are almost finished with Sly 2. All we have left is to find the clues in this last episode, and complete the missions (of course). It will be our hardest area yet. I am hoping that through all of this playing together Joey learns how to take turns. When we play on the Wii U, I rarely get a turn. And he is always trying to hog the PS3 controller as well. It will take some work, but I am sure he will understand the concept soon.
Another thing he needs to learn is boundaries. Yesterday I wanted to go and visit my cats and check on them. He then bursts through the barn door and scares them. I was a little agitated, so I walk away. He then follows me. No matter where I went, this shadow would not go away despite the sun not being out. And then he is all the time opening my bedroom door and barging in. It's annoying. When I tell him to get out, he is back in five seconds later...if he actually leaves. He will learn. Carma is wanting him to really understand that one.
Because they arrived so late, we didn't even start on painting the walls. So we will be doing it today when they get back from grocery shopping. I of course will be staying here. Joey came into my room and woke me up this morning. He claimed he needed a bandage, yet he put it on a piece of paper instead.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...