, 01-16-2013 at 09:03 PM (745 Views)
Work was great, and also the most stressful day ever. When I arrived at 8:30am, there were no changes that needed to be made. I did alter a quarter page ad for a furniture store. But there was still more than a page that needed to be filled. 10am comes along, and no one else comes to work. 11am, same thing. Noon now, and I start panicking. I haven't been in this position since my first week as composer, and I have no clue on what to do.
Then everyone started showing up. And as instructed by Iris yesterday, I did not pack my lunch. She brought a pizza from my relative's pizza shop. Little did I know the surprise that awaited me. Gabby and Iris planned a little birthday party for me. With a cake and candles and everything. In a way, it was all three of ours birthday party. Iris's birthday is on Saturday, and Gabby's is in two weeks. I told Gabby on Facebook that I will have to make her something for her birthday for the awesome cake she made me.
But...there were still no ads getting sold. I had one page and 16th page left to fill. At 2:30pm, Gabby pulled a miracle from somewhere and sold a full page ad. There was just one problem. I had thirty minutes to get it ready and send the paper to press. The one good thing was that it was already made. Or so I thought. The ad was too big and wouldn't fit in our paper. And resizing wouldn't work. I had to make the ad from scratch to look as close as the original ad as possible.
On top of all that, I had the watchful eyes of the owner on me most of the time after she arrived. With her, Iris, and Gabby all talking about everything, I was doing my best to stay calm and focus on my work. It is kinda hard finishing a full page ad when you are asked every thirty seconds how close I was to being finished.
Anyway, I was more than an hour late getting the paper sent to the press. I worked as fast as I could. It may not be the best looking paper, but considering I had to make a full page at the last minute and then rearrange everything to fit the full page into the paper, I think it will turn out okay.
Moving on...
It turns out that Floozy did not die. And apparently, her own family and her own house were not sufficient to stay at last night. So she stayed here. And after Dad even said before the whole business that Floozy would not be there that night (he asked me to play pool, and when I declined he said that she wouldn't be coming over). So, I told him this morning that he lied to me. When you say Floozy won't be here, and then she comes here an hour later, I will call you a liar. He said that someone had to watch her. I asked why her own family couldn't do it. It was just an excuse for the two of them to sleep together.
Then this evening, she comes over again. After Dad brushes her off because he was already in bed when she arrived, she came in my room. Without asking. Then she starts talking in her sweet-talker voice and asks if we could talk. I told her she can talk to me outside of my room. She didn't move an inch. Then she repeats her question. I this time tell her flat out, "The only thing I want to hear you say is that you will never see my dad again." Then I turned back to my computer and continue typing the Email I was writing. She says that that will not happen, and says that if I want to talk she will be listen. Seriously, you are the last person I ever want to see or talk to for the rest of my life. Especially since she didn't respect my boundaries and came barging in without so much as a knock. And then not exiting when I tell you to get out! So, I am done. Despite all the advice to just deal with it, or ignore it, I am not going to stand for it. Before, I was being nice. Now, I will no longer hold back.
Anyway, tomorrow I am delivering the paper. I should be finished before noon. So, I will see you all around the forums, and until then...