Lesson: Don't buy DS games that are near the store's cash registers!
, 01-22-2013 at 07:42 PM (905 Views)
Because they suck! I went to the store after taking the trash to the dumpster to get some new pens and some other things I have been needing (I decided that I could afford to splurge on office supplies after all). I needed coin rolls, super glue, tape, pens, paper, manila folders, and cat food. When I was walking toward the register, a small display of Nintendo DS games caught my eye. I look through them, and after I shrugged off the temptation to buy the game version of 'Up' and 'Ratatouille', I see a couple I ended up purchasing. I bought TouchMaster Connect and Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?: Back To School.
The former is an alright game. I like all the puzzles and card games, but it can get repetitive. But 5th Grader is horrible! All the questions are super easy. I never saw a point of the actual show, because I have never been one to "lose it" if I didn't "use it". I have played four games so far, and have gotten every question right. If this was the actual show, I would have won $1.25 million already. But as it isn't, I have to make do with the $1.25 million in fake invisible money that cannot be used at all in any store either in the U.S., Canada, or any place in the world. I think I will survive without it.
Work today was alright. I am almost finished with the menu. This week's paper is going to be a loose eight pages, because of the office being closed on Monday. I have to find information about wedding stuff. It's not the type of thing I would choose to research, but as long as the paper gets finished, I don't mind.
After dinner this evening, I had to take a nap. I was beginning to nod off at the table. I tried to get U to stay with me in bed, but he was hyper and wanted to play with Itsy Bitsy. I think it was the cold weather, coupled with my previous night's sleeping position and lack of productive activity at the workplace that made me so tired. U and Omega have started sleeping all stretch out in a long line of kitty that goes from one side of the bed to the other. And there I am at night trying to get a leg in between the two of them that way I am not scrunched in a small corner of my bed. As for work, though it was alright, it was a bit boring. I had very little to actually do, so I had to work slowly to be able to fill in the whole workday.
Anyway, tomorrow is probably go to go better than last week. There isn't as much to fill in this time, and after the paper is finished, I can start to put the finishing touches on the menu. I have to touch up a few ads, choose some artsy designs for the background, and make it look all nice and neat. Then, I just have to wait for the next specialty product to come along. I think I will be working on a spring booklet that we can print from the office. I am not certain, because it was just from what I overheard last Wednesday.
Well, that's about it for tonight. I hope to see you around the forums, and until tomorrow...