The Last Night in the Castle...
, 03-20-2014 at 07:35 PM (740 Views)
It's highly likely that we won't have everything moved out of the house tomorrow. Dad was supposed to help transport everything today to the storage unit, but he never came. Even when I rode through Locust Grove on my way home, his truck had not moved from its spot when my brother and I went by this morning. And my brother arrived sometime between 8 and 9pm. After he changed his clothes, he left again. Dad says he'll be here tomorrow, but even then we probably won't have everything out.
Mom has a place to stay, I think. My Aunt said that if it is necessary, she can stay with her. They don't have the room really, but it's better than nothing. I did buy Mom a cell phone today while I was working. I also purchased time for it. And when I was activating it, I told Mom that she simply has to send me a text message or phone call if she is running out. I know it's not much, but I can't do much else. Thinking about it, she really has the worst spot right now. I want to make her life as smooth as possible, but there are people who try and make that impossible.
Tomorrow morning I am riding to Sinking Spring to deliver. After that, we have to finish loading up the trailer and whatever vehicle there is. After that's done, there's the task of moving my things to Carma's. And that includes Luca and the cats. I am worried about the cats as well. I worry that they won't stay there, and come back here thinking I am here still. And then with Luca, she has always had free reign in her area. This is the first time she will be confined by a chain.
And also tomorrow is when I call the phone company to disconnect the service. I am taking the modems and whatnot. I did pay for it, after all.
I look around my room, and it looks nothing like what I'm used to. I still have a few things hanging on the walls though. My calendar, the door signs I made myself, and the picture of my white Siberian husky. And then there's all of the stuff I am leaving here. I don't feel bad for leaving that stuff behind. I don't wear the clothes, or play with the toys, or read the books. Mom went through and cleared out the closet today. She asked me about some things when I got home from work. I told her to throw it all out. I am only taking two stuffed animals with me, Fireball (Clifford toy) and 2% (Steer who used to be my profile picture here and other places). Everyone else is either staying here or going to live with some other kid.
I filled out the change of address card today while I was out delivering in town. I will have to watch for the mail carrier who is bringing Thief. If that means riding over to this house until it is delivered just in case the card hasn't been filed yet, I will do it. Of course, none of that would have happened if they had delivered the game when it was supposed to delivered.
Well, that's all for now. Tomorrow is going to be a big day, so I should try and get some sleep. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...