My First Day Being 26...
, 01-03-2013 at 08:58 PM (876 Views)
Other than obligatory Happy Birthday from Dad, my morning started as it normally does on Thursdays. I got ready for work, fed the animals while it was dark, and posted the weather on the Facebook page.
When I got to the office to fold the papers, I was super psyched because there weren't any inserts to slow down my folding speed. My delivering speed however, was slow. It was freezing outside today. I use thin gloves when I deliver that way I can grip the papers easily, thicker gloves are fumbly. The gloves were great in being able to grip the papers and all, but did little to keep my fingers warm. The rest of my outfit kept most of me unexposed to the cold air. All anyone could see of me was my eyes. The rest was bundled up in winter wear.
I finished my route at 10:06. I suggested to Gabby some businesses to sell ads to. Our next paper features Cancer Awareness and I told her to hit up the hospitals and medical places for money. It worked because when I came back from the grocery store she had already sold a $90 ad.
I went to the store to get some things I would need for my birthday. I bought a cake mix and icing because all I have at the house are brownie mixes. Some eggs and vegetable oil, because I didn't know how much of each we had. A bag of sugar, because we always seem to need sugar. And some cereal, because I like cereal. I got back to the office just in time, because my brother was there to pick me up just seconds after I got back.
We stopped at Grandma's because she wanted me to get my birthday money from her. Then when we got back home, Dad asked if I had enough money to pay the electric bill. I gave him the money for it. Then, I asked how much the water bill was. He handed me the bill, and I gave him the money for that as well. I had $227.26 when I got home, and ten minutes later I was down to $9.90. Dad said when he finished the job he has in the garage he would pay me his and my brother's shares of the bills. I said alright, and went to work on my cake.
*Last night, Dad said that he would pay me for his half of the bills. I replied, "Half? There are three of us here now. If I pay, then I want paid the two-thirds I am owed." He said that since he would be paying my brother's portion as well. After I walked out of the room, he made a comment about how I still use half of the electricity we use (which is a gigantic lie). Just pointing out what he said, and how he changed his tune from yesterday.
Anyway, we don't have any bills due now. That's good. It does mean that I no longer have enough money to go shopping this weekend to get a bike helmet and messenger bag. I even had to use the money Grandma gave me to pay the bills. I know Dad said he would pay me back; but the thing is, I have no idea when that will be. And if it will be all at once or in installments like he is known to do. I was looking forward to going shopping.
After that, the day got worse. Dad left with Floozy to Hillsboro or somewhere (to make him "happy"). He didn't return until around 6pm. We had planned to have a breakfast dinner for my birthday, but that didn't happen. I was instead asked what I wanted from McDonald's, and then was given a bag of food about 30 minutes later. The only food in the bag was what I asked for. My brother and Dad didn't get anything, because Dad had already ate with Floozy and my brother said he didn't want anything. Then, my brother, his girlfriend (some person I don't know) and her kid went to watch a movie; and Dad and Floozy went to the garage. So, instead of doing something as a family, I was given the shaft while my brother and Dad preferred to be in the company of women.
And now that it is nearly 11pm, I can safely say that I won't be getting an apology for having such a crappy birthday. You would think that Dad would be all over wanting to celebrate the first birthday back with his son, but no. He would rather cheat on Mom. I can't say much about my brother, because he is too far gone as he is. His life is so screwed up, he doesn't know which way he's going from one minute to the next.
Oh well. There's always my 27th birthday.
My video game presents are still on their way. One is in New Jersey, the other in Nevada. You would think with a small state like New Jersey, it wouldn't take a whole day to get from one side of it to the other. It only takes about 4 hours to get from my house (in Southern Ohio) to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland (Northern Ohio). I'd have thought the game would at least reach Pennsylvania today. There's always tomorrow.
So, there aren't any plans for tomorrow. Dad says he may be going to cut firewood tomorrow. I won't go. After all, why should I do anything with him after he didn't want to do anything family-like today? I think I will try to sleep in. I will probably fail, but I want to try.
That's all for tonight. I hope to see you around the forums, and also that your birthdays be better than mine.