, 04-19-2013 at 07:03 PM (1034 Views)
It rained for most of the today. So on this gloomy day, I decided to finally play Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It was okay. To me, it seemed a lot like the Hitman series (duh!, for an obvious reason). That's not really a bad thing. I like the graphics, and the story seems alright. But it just doesn't grab my attention the way other games do. The only reason I played it so long today was because I wanted to at least get one augmentation. It took forever to get the one I did get. I don't even remember what it actually was, so it must not have been something neat. I think it was better eyes or a better radar or something. I don't know. The chance of me playing this game again, or rather, the chance of me keeping the save file for a while, is probably 25-30%.
I had a tutoring session with Joey today. For this session, I wrote sentences on my board using words that he has to know to pass the year. And he did really well. After that, we played hangman with the words he failed on his school's spelling test. Even with the word sheet in front of him, he failed at hangman. Then he did a word find puzzle I made, and after that we spelled words on the computer.
Other than that, I slept. I am still tired now, and I will most likely not stay up as late as usual tonight. Although, I did plan on watching an episode of either Clannad or Final Fantasy: Unlimited. I have been trying to get back into watching anime. Basically so I am not sitting in front of my television all day (so I sit in front of my computer screen).
Speaking of which, my television is about to go to the great junkyard in the sky. I have to hit it in order for the screen to not be a line across the middle of it. I have only had the TV for five years, but I bought it used for $15. It is actually about 20 years old. I am hoping it can hold off on breaking for a while, that way I can save up for a new one. One that doesn't require me to have to use a converter to get a coaxial cable to the consoles.
Tomorrow I am spending the day doing what I want. I may record a video for my channel. I hope to do that. It depends on how I am feeling. I washed my clothes today, so I am free of chores (other than feeding the animals).
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...