Just one more hour...
, 06-24-2014 at 05:17 AM (629 Views)
I am so tired right now. We had a storm last night, and that kept me up. And then I couldn't stay asleep because I would wake up and check on Stri-P-Grr every hour. It is a good thing I can type with my eyes closed, because that is what I am doing right now. I will open them after I finish a sentence, to make sure that everything is spelled correctly; but other than that, my eyes are closed.
It was so hot in the house yesterday, that I couldn't get in the mood to play anything. I took a nap with Stri-P-Grr during the afternoon, but that didn't last long. She kept putting her butt in my face. Things with her have gone back to normal. You see, she peed on my bed, causing me to have to wash my sheets. And then after they were dried and put back on the bed, she tried to do it again. This time though, it landed in my hands. On top of that, she found a place that I can't get to her. There is a hole just her size under the stairs, and I can't reach her if she goes there. She went there twice. In the end, I put her back outside. She has spent her whole life outside, so maybe turning her into an indoor cat is just not going to happen. I am glad that she's okay, though. I was so scared that Luca and/or Jackson got to her just like they got to lowercase.
Today the painter is going to be here to paint the downstairs. And then the window guy is going to be here again, this time to work on the doors. And since the two of them are supposed to be here this morning, I am awake to make sure they can get in the house. But I am so tired.
I am getting a copy of both Tales of Graces f and Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. Since I am mowing the office yard every week now, I can afford it. I found cheap enough copies that include manuals and cases, and they should be here within the next week. I think next month if things go well, I will buy Tales of Xillia.
Well, the painter is here. I have to keep the animals upstairs as much as possible so they won't be in the way. I guess that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...