The Silence is Mine...
, 06-15-2014 at 05:00 AM (706 Views)
I guess the big news of the day is that I now have every trophy for Drakengard 3. I upgraded the last of the weapons and earned the Blood-Stained outfit. Then I used the outfit during the Third and Final Survival Matches, and won those quickly. After they were completed, I earned the sidequest trophy, and then immediately after, earned the Platinum. Zero was Level 58 when it was all over, so you don't have to be maxed out level-wise in order to get everything. Just really close to it...maybe. Anyway, now I need to put my fingers to the keyboard and finish this review that I have barely started. I am holding off on playing anything else because of it.
Yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from Larry and Tonya (the next door neighbors, and also my relatives), asking me if I would help them with some stuff. I was more than happy to help out. I wasn't doing anything except watching television while an update was downloading on the PS3. I first learned how to drive a golf cart, which I then used to haul scrap metal and junk parts from one place to another. Driving the golf cart and helping out was fun, except for the part when Joey came and started getting in the way of everything. It was really annoying, because I wanted to hurry up and be finished with it. But when you are constantly telling a 7-year-old to get out of the way because he is about to be hit by a large metal object, it is quite tiresome.
It was nearly 7pm when we were finished. As I started walking back up the hill to the house, Larry said to wait so he could pay me. I told him that I wasn't helping him to get paid, but he insisted I take the money. So now I am $20 richer. And I learned something as well. I learned how to drive a golf cart, and that the next time Joey gets in my way to just run him down, because that will be the only way he'll learn to stay out of the way.
I went to bed early last night. After my shower, I was ready for bed. And so, at 10pm, I shut my door and barricaded it. I have to make sure the door stays shut. I am tired of Joey coming in without knocking, and I'm tired of Jackson barging in by pushing his head into the door. I don't know which is worse, Joey waking me up because he wants to play "Grand Fish Auto" or Jackson waking me up by jumping on me because he wants to go outside.
Well, today is Father's Day, and I hope that you all have nice days today. I know I will as I celebrate this Fatherless Day. Today I think we are going to finish taking the staples and nails out of the floor in the living room. And by "we", I mean myself. Carma and Joey are going to the grocery store today. Carma will most likely ask me to get started while they are gone, and then they'll come back just as I pull up the last one. It will be so much fun, sitting on the floor and sweating while I exert all the force in me to pull up things that have been in the floor longer than I've been alive. Other than that, I want to work on the Drakengard 3 review. And if I get all of that done, don't know what will happen.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...