When it rains, it pours...
, 03-18-2014 at 08:00 PM (861 Views)
It's a stressful time here right now. Mom and I are nearly worried sick about the whole situation we've been put in. As the minutes tick by, we become increasingly certain that it is all just a plot of my father's family to get Mom out of the picture. As if they are simply doing these things in order to drive her edge and back in a cell.
I am truly worried about Mom. Her main concern has been how we can get our belongings to the storage facility I bought today. My brother was supposed to be here hours ago in order to help out. But we haven't seen him since he came barging in here claiming my sister was calling his work and bothering him. And then this evening we get a phone call from my brother's girlfriend's ex-boyfriend's brother (if that makes sense) saying that the ex-boyfriend and his Aryan Brotherhood friends are on their way with guns. And why? Because the girlfriend posted on Facebook that my brother now has his name on the girlfriend's child's birth certificate.
But yeah, we have had the storage facility at our disposal all day today, and we have moved a single thing into it. Mom's room is mostly packed up, save for her bed and things she'll need before our last day here. My sister's room is all packed up and ready for moving. My brother's stuff is not our responsibility, because he says he's just going to put everything in the garage because Dad gets to keep his things there for another two months.
And me? I have a place to stay now. The neighbor I told you about yesterday is going to let me stay with her as long as I need. She said that I'm doing her a service by being there at night. This way, she can go to work and not have to worry about someone coming and robbing the place. And it lets Joey (yes, the same Joey I tutored last year) be able to stay at home now. Before, he would spend the night at our mutual cousin's house because he's only 6 and can't stay at the house by himself. Now, he'll have someone there to help him get to the school bus in the mornings and someone there in the evenings.
As for my things, I have everything in three categories. First is the what I am taking with me category. The clothes I wear, my things for work, my important documents, and some entertainment. I am only taking my PS3, Nintendo DS, PSP, and GameBoy Advance SPs, and all of the games for them. The original plan was to also bring my laptop, but for safety, I am also going to take the desktop computer and the printer.
Second category is the Storage Facility category. This includes my dresser filled with all of my other games and consoles (PlayStation, PS2, XBOX, Nintendo 64 and Nintendo GameCube). And then there's also my board games and card games, my bedroll, televisions, substitute bicycles, and my desk.
The third category is the what I am leaving here category. It is apparent that I can't take everything with me when I leave. My old clothes that I have boxed up, the things in my closet that I don't use, need, and/or want, and other things that aren't necessary. These will stay. We don't have the time to take these things to be disposed of, so they will be here for my Uncle to take care of. Now, if we were given more time, we would be more inclined to handle this ourselves. However, that's not possible.
Now the concern is on Mom. She still has no place to go. She has called family, but couldn't get in contact with them. She asked me the whereabouts of our tents. The person I'm staying with said that Mom would normally be able to stay with her as well, but because Mom's on parole she can't be around guns. And even though Mom should be worrying about where she's going to stay, she is more concerned with the freezer and the food inside it.
Tomorrow I am going to the neighbor's house to get a house key and bring my things over. And if my brother ever gets home, we'll start filling up the storage unit. He is going to have to choice: either help us move out, or help us move out. It's quite simple, really. After our things are taken care of then he is free to do whatever he wants. He has been showing less and less emotion (for lack of a better word) toward Mom and I, and this way he will finally be rid of us.
As much as I don't want it to be true, it seems like everything has been set up against Mom and I. My Uncle starts saying he's going to sell the place the day after Mom says that she doesn't want Floozy here. Then the lies of the Real estate agent showing up multiple times, and us not answering the door crop up. When he finally does show up, my Uncle decides the next day that he's going to sell it, and thus breaks the verbal agreement he and I had. And then a few days later, he comes with a Sheriff and an eviction notice saying that it has been sold when it was never put up for sale.
It's seems extremely hinky. Most likely, the person who "bought" the house is Dad and Floozy. And with Mom and I gone, D and his girlfriend have a place to stay. After all, he said himself that he wants to be in a place he can be with his girlfriend. That can't be here because Mom and the girlfriend are both on parole. That explains my brother's lack of urgency in getting his things off the property. And Dad is even less worried.
Anyway, that is all for now. I have a busy day tomorrow, maybe. Well, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...