I've got good news, and bad news...
, 03-17-2014 at 07:58 PM (2103 Views)
The good news is that I received Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster today in the mail. The good news is that I am still alive and healthy, except for my left leg which still hurts some. The good news is that I earned $20 for helping a neighbor set up her Internet.
The bad news is that I won't be playing many video games in the coming days. My Uncle came here today and said that the house was sold, and that we have four days to move out. He even came here with a Sheriff, because he wanted it to be all official. So now we are in panic mode because we don't want to be forced to go to court over all of this crap. And really, it is crap. We have already given him three thousand dollars for this house because we were intending on buying the place. And now all that money is out the window.
We have to basically all go separate ways until we get a more permanent living situation. My brother doesn't seem to care. He has a place to live possibly, because of his girlfriend. But Mom and I have nothing. Tomorrow Mom is going to ask the neighbor I helped today about putting me up until things get better. As for Mom, she will try and stay with family. And the animals, we are hoping that the neighbor who we hope will let me stay with them will also allow them. She herself has dogs and cats.
Side story. I was riding back home from helping the neighbor, and I saw U at another house. I use the term neighbor loosely, because the person I was helping lives about 1-1.5 miles away. Anyway, the place I saw U at was more than one-half mile from my house. I called for him and walked toward him. However, he must have thought he was in trouble or something, and ran away under a barn.
I had to get that part typed up before I forgot it.
Anyway, I asked my brother when he came home about the getting a loan for a house idea. He said that he doesn't know what to do anymore, and that he might just pick up and move to Arizona. I asked him what was there for him, and he said that it's a way for him to start over. This aggravated me to no end; because right now, more than ever, we need to stick together. It's already bad enough that Dad is not here, and my sister is only around when she wants something.
So I have phone calls to make tomorrow. I am going to call the bank tomorrow. I received an Email from them, saying that they don't offer loans of the amount I requested for the term I requested. I want to make an appointment to try and get something both of us can agree on. It will be difficult, considering my income and my brother's possible financial input. After that, I am going to call the low-income housing people about getting a place. It will also be difficult, because it will be just me. Mom wouldn't be able to live with me (and that sucks) because she is on parole for a drug charge. Anyway, it's difficult because of me being one person. It is not seen as too much of an emergency, despite being potentially homeless in five days.
And then Mom is calling her parole officer to report that she will no longer have a place of residence. Since she is required to have one, it could put her in danger as well. And then she's also going to call the neighbor I helped today and ask to put me up for a while.
Moving on (almost literally)...
I cleared out my desk of the trash. Now we can fill it with stuff to be taken to a storage building. But we can't get a storage building until we go there and sign the contract. And we can't do that because my brother skipped work today and is going tomorrow instead. I can't really pack up any of my things until we know if I have a place to stay or not. If I do, then it makes things easier to pack up because I will be able to choose. If not, then everything goes to storage.
Anyway, I am tired. The stress today has made so sleepy. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...