If you aren't here for the long haul, just leave now.
, 11-11-2013 at 11:01 PM (612 Views)
So, it's raining again. I keep hearing people saying the S-word, and if it is possible for me to not see the S-word at all for the next six months, I would gladly accept it as a gift from the S-word gods. And I would say what the S-word is, but that only brings the S-word that much closer to arriving and ruining things.
Anyway, Dad was here today. I think he cut firewood. I was busy working, and I got a lot done. I have 81 tasks that are still waiting for approval.
I am running out of cat food four days earlier than normal. And I won't have money until Thursday. I have already made out a deposit slip to take $20 out of my check when I go to the bank this week. My plan is to cut up some ham for them to put in their food. I have to get rid of it since I have so much and don't eat it.
I played Fallout 3 today, to see if the glitch that happened yesterday would happen again. It didn't, and now I am off to the museum to get the shiny round thing to replace the broken shiny round thing.
And I totally forgot that today was Veteran's Day. I realized it when the mail never ran and the Google logo had changed to some parade thing.
My brother left the coffee maker on when he left. This is after he woke me up by turning on the kitchen light while I was asleep. I fell asleep by the fire, with U on my chest. Anyway, he started making coffee, so I told him that he has to make sure to turn the maker off. Yesterday it was on until I made dinner. Well, he didn't, and it was on until I made lunch today. But since he only comes home to make coffee and change his clothes, it just makes me even angrier. He could start a fire, I think.
I wish he would just decide where he wants to live and then live there. Him and Dad both. I hate that this place is used as a storage facility and a laundromat. I should charge them fees for usage, if they aren't going to live here.
I also played Crisis Core some. I like the battle system, and how your actions are neatly in a row. I don't like the whole slot machine thing. I also don't think Zack's voice fits his character. Before I heard him speak, I expected a deeper voice. But it was too boyish for my liking.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...