It's over 4000!
, 11-12-2013 at 10:12 PM (609 Views)
My gaming blog just hit four thousand page views in the last day, and since I doubt it will reach the nine thousand needed for the actual phrase, I figured I use it now. I looked at the calendar and saw that there are only 49 more gaming blog entries in the 6-Month Challenge. It's kind of sad, because it seems like I didn't get anything accomplished. But I know that's not true, because I got to play some great games over the last 4.5 months. Some I hadn't ever played before, others were classics that I play several times each year.
I watched the original music video for Hikari, or as Kingdom Hearts players know it as Simple and Clean. It's like the English title, Simple, and Clean. Because she is washing dishes the majority of the time, and it looks like a simple camera made it.
The big news of the day is that Fallout New Vegas did NOT arrive today. That is because the delivery person didn't drop it off. Her story is that no one was home and she left a notice that she had been there to deliver it. However, there was no notice, despite the USPS online tracking saying that there had been. I called the Post Office, and the Postmaster was able to find it easily. He seemed frustrated that there was no notice despite what she said to him. If there was a notice, then it wasn't delivered at my house. And this questions the delivery person's knowledge of the route. Especially with as many packages arriving at my house recently, you'd think she'd know where I live. Not only that, but to say that no one was home. I was here the entire day! In my room, and my room is closest to the driveway. If she had pulled in to drop something off, I would have heard it. The only things in the mailbox today were Dad's and my bank statements.
Moving on...
I woke up this morning to see that there was snow on the ground. It's not fair. But the kittens looked so cute, playing in it. Omega didn't like it much, despite being a regular old snow cat. And Luca was thinking that I'd be throwing snowballs for her to catch, the way she was acting.
Anyway, it was cold, and I didn't like it. I stayed in my cozy spot in my room and played Fallout 3 and Crisis Core all day. Which is why I don't get how the delivery person didn't give me my Fallout New Vegas today.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...