, 06-19-2013 at 08:47 PM (7076 Views)
My new favorite song!
LOEN Entertainment posted SunnyHill's newest song "Darling of All Hearts" this evening. I am a huge SunnyHill fan, and I was so excited to see their comeback single teaser video. It was much more fun and catchy than their previous single "Goodbye to Romance". Don't get me wrong, "GtoR" is a great song and I really liked how it focused more on the voices rather than the dancing. In fact, up until when T-Ara N4's "Jeon Won Diary" was released, "GtoR" was my favorite song.
But this song is so fun to listen to! The teaser video was 30 seconds of fun and happiness, but the whole song is like 220 times more fun and happy than the teaser. It is reminiscent to "Princess and Prince Charming", but the style of this song is more square dance-y, whereas "Princess" was more of a disco-type song.
The song itself is about how the "Darling of All Hearts" always hears the love troubles of others, and yet never has a love of her own. Then she declares that though being single may be lonely at times, she is not sad; and that being single isn't as bad as people sometimes say it is.
I really appreciated the fact that they set designer threw in some Czech words on a couple pieces of furniture. Maybe it was just a lucky accident, though. After all, why would a dresser have "plain flour", "smooth", and "mouth" written on it in Czech. It was only a couple of split second shots of the dresser or flour box, but still appreciated all the same.
The dancing fit the song very well. The dance was quite fun to watch, and reminded me of the clogging performances that we have at the Old Timer's Day Festival each year in town.
The only thing I didn't like about the video was something that shouldn't bother me as much as it does. It is really nitpicky, but SeungAh's braids were different lengths during the first chorus's dance sequence. And it wasn't a slight difference either. It's like she had two different people braiding it, and one got the braid much tighter than the other and that affected the length.
There's one other thing, but it isn't really their fault. It kinda is, but it's more of a cultural thing. When they sing "I need love", did you notice that they sung "I need Low"? The Korean language doesn't really have a V-sound, at least none of the words I have come across use a V-sound. The singers naturally would have trouble with it. Some songs that feature the word "love" are pronounced "lub" (rhymes with tub). Anyway, I wouldn't count it against them, but there is about eight seconds where they are right in front of the phrase "Oh, I need love". I want to photoshop another V in there and stick it on the first to make the screen say what they are singing.
But all in all, it's a great song. One of the best I have heard so far this year.
Moving on...
I was at work until 4:30pm today. The paper was stuck at "so close to complete" for the last 90 minutes of the workday. One ad still hadn't arrived in the Email. The owner ended up going down to the car lot and getting it herself. Then, I had to cut up what they made and fit it to our layout. The owner must have really liked it, because she praised me for my work more for that one ad than she has ever done in the seven months I've worked as editor. I just hope it looks as good on paper as it did on the computer.
I personally don't like chopping up someone's ad that we are given. It's like forcing puzzle pieces to fit where they aren't meant to go. Putting a square peg into a round hole. Putting a person's inner organs in different places (example: the heart where the kidneys should be). This kind of Frankenstein way of composing makes me feel like I am saying to the original artist that their work isn't good enough. The car lot's ad looked amazing! And I would've loved to put it in the paper as is.
I prefer the Clone way of building ads. If a customer has a business card that they want to be made into an ad, or if they want their ad to look like an ad of some other business; I can make it look nearly identical to what they want. I still have trouble recognizing font types, and so I sometimes choose the closest to the exact. I am fine with building ads this way. I love to make ads that way. It makes it so I don't have to be creative. The creativity is the customer's, and if they don't like how it looks then it is their own fault.
But unfortunately, I have to make ads both ways.
But that's not why I was so late to leave the office. The ad was finished at 3:45 when the owner and Iris left. The computer was just being so slow that I had to shut all of the programs down so the computer could catch up. Even then, the computer was still transferring everything over to pdf format much slower than normal. And it took another five minutes to send it to the printers. It usually takes twenty seconds to send it.
And because of all this, I feel as if I haven't done anything since I got back home. It was nearly 6pm when I got home. I tutored Joey today, and then I wrote this entry and listened to the new SunnyHill song (about 20-30 times). Now it's nearly midnight, and I still have to get a shower and get ready for delivering in the morning.
Tomorrow I am delivering the newspapers. I already have the Nel Lusso bike in my room. It is the only thing ready for tomorrow morning. After delivering, I have no plans. Maybe catching up on what I didn't think to do today. I don't know what those things are, so it's okay.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...