It's like Mom's psychic or something.
, 03-28-2014 at 03:43 AM (1537 Views)
It's Friday morning when I am typing this. I haven't been keeping up with the daily thing because for the last two nights I have been going to bed at 8:30pm. Wednesday night because I had to wake up at 2:30am and get ready for work. Yes, it's finally the time of year when I can leave super early and get done super early. More on that in a bit, though. And last night, because I was very tired; and probably because I had been awake since 2:05am that morning.
Anyway, this entry is going to be made in the order that I can remember things, rather than chronological order.
The main thing is that Alan's "buyer" backed out and does not want the house. He then told Dad that if he can come up with $1000 up front and $500 per month, he can continue making payments for the place. So now he and and Floozy and her kids are going to be living in my house that I was paying for. Mom's suspicions were correct. Everything was set up to just kick us out so they could live there. I mean, they all know I don't earn that much. But those amounts are nothing for the welfare hoochies. They don't have to pay for food, or electricity, or water, and they get housing assistance. Meanwhile Dad's actual children and his WIFE (he has made no attempts at getting a divorce) are without a home. I think there are two worst parts to all of this. First is that they are celebrating the whole thing, as if they won the lottery or something. And second is that Dad will simply add to the amount I have already paid for the house. I am out the money I gave to own it, and now it makes it that much easier for him to own it.
Work on Thursday was nice. It was freezing when I left at 3:15am. But it warmed up quickly. And then when I was finishing up it started raining. So I got back wet. The bungee strap that was holding the papers for Locust Grove and Sinking Spring came off the rack and made the papers fall onto the wet road. And as I was passing the house I no longer live at, I saw that both U and Omega were on the porch. They walked more than a mile to get to their home. I couldn't catch them at the time to bring them back to Carma's, but I did catch U later that evening. He cried for the entire bike ride. I don't think he liked the wind in his face much, but I couldn't help it. The wind was against us the whole ride.
I got my address changed on my bank account. I still have to change it for my credit card and other online accounts. I got the validation card from the post office for the Change of Address card I filled out. So I guess I am finally official, and I don't live at the house anymore.
I haven't been playing video games much lately. I moved the PS3 back downstairs. Since Joey isn't allowed in my room and he still wants to play, I figured putting it down there was best. But as for games I have played recently, there's Super Mario Bros. U(we're up to the Fortress in World 2), Thief (finished Chapter 1), Final Fantasy X HD (I think I deleted the file, so I am nowhere in it), Gran Turismo 5, Need for Speed Most Wanted, and Grand Theft Auto IV. I have save files of all three parts of GTA IV; the main story to get the trophies I still need and to play multiplayer, The Lost for Joey because he likes driving the motorcycles, and The Ballad to work on getting the trophies. And then I am still working on Star Ocean: Second Evolution when I am up in my room.
I have to go to Sinking Spring this morning to deliver. But it is raining heavily. Oh well. I will just have to be more careful than usual. As for the rest of the day, I have nothing planned. Well, I still need to wash the insides of the refrigerators. I cleaned them out of the expired food (which was most of it), and I still need to clean the shelves. I also have to make a list of groceries we need. But other than that and vacuuming my room (now that I fixed the vacuum), I have nothing to do.
So, I guess that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...