I'm stuck on Band-Aid brand, cuz Band-Aid's stuck on me!
, 11-16-2013 at 10:53 PM (815 Views)
Today my brother and I actually did something together. And it was enjoyable for both of us. We watched a couple movies. First we watched Holes (the book is better) this morning. And then this evening we watched Liar Liar while eating french fries. It was nice to do something as a family, which is weird to say because it's just the two of us here.
Dad was here today to cut firewood. I didn't help. If he wants me to help, he will have to ask me before he shows up to do it. After all, I had made plans to work online today. The world doesn't have to fit his schedule.
The kittens are really putting my box of band-aids to use lately. At random moments they'll scratch me or bite (like when I am feeding them and they are too impatient for me to move my hand out of the way) me. And No-So-Mega loves to pretend I'm a tree and climb up my leg. Only problem is that I'm not a tree, despite all of the references to trees I hear when people compliment my legs. I have several scratches, especially on my left leg.
But as they are still just babies, I can't get too mad at them. They are cute, after all. And they follow me everywhere. When I go in the garage, they'll wait at the wood pile for me. And then we play hide-an-seek (I'm usually it) or just see if we all can stand on the chunks.
I played Tomb Raider some more today. I am currently at the Coliseum. And then I practiced for the Osu! Tournament as well. I think I will have to get a new mouse for my computer before the tournament. My current one doesn't always hold the line as I play. I tried pressing the buttons harder, but that doesn't work.
I also went and bought some printer ink, since the black ink in my printer is almost out. It's more like I have color ink and gray ink now.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...