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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

Another slightly pervy thing to say when people ask about my body's temperature.

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There are now three things I hate to wake up to.

1) Itsy Bitsy climbing onmy window's screen.
2) Leg cramps/charlie horses
3) Sneezing fits

I have been sneezing all day, and it is very annoying. I feel as if I am going to sneeze my brain out of my nose. But, it gave me an idea for the first project I will be working on to try out my animation software.

Anyway, it being super frigid outside didn't help. There's nothing less attractive than a bicyclist with frozen snot on their face. Actually, I am pretty sure there is, but I'd rather not think about it.

I was again asked if I was cold wearing shorts. I said no, and I added...

"I am the legs of the newspaper. Besides, sometimes you have to show a little skin to get what you want."

Again, I was smacking my forehead when I said that. I don't need to be giving people ideas. The worst part is, I actually thought of even worse things I could have said. Oh well, I guess it's about time I grow up.

I baked cookies at Grandma's after I finished my route. Dad and my brother weren't able to taste a difference between Grandma's and mine.

I got my check cashed today. Dad was able to deposit it after all. So, now I have the very first $100 note in the walletI currently use. I told Dad that I was really happy about that, because before I would be ecstatic if I was able to hold onto my pay for a week without having to spend it on something.

I realized something while I was showering tonight. Basically, I have nearly stopped gaming. In fact, the only gaming I do now is while I am in the bathroom. I have been keeping my DS next to the toilet paper because I am too lazy to take it out of there. Kinda gross, I know. But it's true. With all the extra work I have been doing this last month (I still find it odd that I work more than one day per week now), I am either not home to play games or too tired to play games. Another sign of growing up, I guess.

The plans for this weekend are to attempt to play some videogame. I don't know which one. Another thing, is to attempt cleaning my sinkroom and closet. I feel that it will take me until the world ends to finish it. So, if the rumors are true (which I don't think they are), I have about eight days. I also need to go to Sinking Spring tomorrow and deliver papers there.

Well that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until I do...



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  1. ziroth's Avatar
    Maybe you just dont have any motivation to play video games because you lack the excitement from the ones you have, try a new game or climb higher and buy a used system and venture through a new view!

    We all say random answers sometimes when asked on the spot like that, don fret about it. It tends to happen more than we realize! I always find myself saying "Samui Desu" instead of saying "Im cold" Because I am adjusting to a new language to me.

    If you dont address a difference in a ingredient or maker of food then people tend to let their tastes buds react normally instead of expecting something new, if you were to tell them you made them then they would tune into their tastes buds more to find the change Try telling them next time before they devour your cookies!