So bored...
, 02-18-2013 at 06:54 PM (1076 Views)
First off, there's this...
So far in the competition, I have earned 243 votes. That's more than half as many votes during the last one, and I campaigned for a whole week then. It's only been three days for this one. I made the video because I thought it was just a little something extra I could do to possibly earn some votes. Before I was using what I had recorded last, but this was specific to the cause. I hope it works.
And another reason why I made it was because I have been so bored! I have all these things I could do, but yet I don't want to do anything. I have a backlog of games I need to finish, but I don't want finish them. Of course, I would actually have to start playing them in order to finish them. The thing is, I know that when I get to the part where I stopped playing before, I am going to stop playing it again.
Right now, I still haven't gotten through the Kirlsa Caverns in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time because those stupid haulers in that stupid maze. And in Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, I am constantly getting my hind end handed to me by stupid flan-like things in that pirate cove. Seriously, why do they have to always come in groups of three, and then merge into one gigantic flan-like monster and kill me in one hit? And this is every time. So everything is collecting dust.
Except for my Nintendo GameCube. It has gotten about nine hours of play time since I received Mario Party 7 a couple days ago. I have finished three boards and have seen all 12 players play. Today I played on the Egypt-esque board as Dry Bones. I came in second to Birdo, who ended up with 14 Stars. But you know, this game is really quite boring playing by myself. I have played almost all of the mini-games. I haven't won at all of them, but I am best at the microphone games.
Tomorrow I am working at the office. I am expecting there to not be a lot of work for me to do on the paper. That is because the sales staff has been focusing on the Easter brochure. And really, why not? The ads bring more money in commission for them, so it is better to focus on that. So, there may not even be a paper this week. Which really sucks. After all, I get more money delivering the paper than I do making it. If I got paid for all the time I work on building the paper, then I would say otherwise; but I don't, so delivering is worth more. But maybe, I'm wrong and there will be lots of stuff to make for this week's paper.
Tomorrow is also the day I will be bringing my new messenger bag out into the world. It is supposed to rain tonight, and I don't want to get it dirty or wet. But alas, it must be done. The bag has so many pockets, I don't know what to put in them all. I don't carry that much anymore, because I cleaned myself a drawer next to my desk. Now I can keep my work papers and utensils in there instead of carrying everything with me when I am not at work.
Well, I still have to pick out clothes for tomorrow. And maybe I will hang out online. I may also just call it an early night and go to bed. Whatever I do, I hope to see you around the forums; and until then...