I'm not sleeping...
, 02-19-2013 at 07:44 PM (1032 Views)
I am so tired! I woke up two hours before my alarm was set to go off. And instead of going back to sleep, or attempting to; I decided to stay awake and get in some quality Internet time to make up for lack of Internet time I get at work.
But I don't think that is why I'm tired.
Work today was boring. I was right in my prediction for how much work I would have to do. There were only three ads for this week's paper. Now, in some cases, three ads could possibly be enough to make a paper. If those three ads were full page ads, then it would pay for itself. But instead the ads didn't even fill up one page. So while I was waiting for someone to show up and work, I worked on finding filler for the paper. Luckily, there were so many death announcements, I didn't have to look so hard. It was just so boring to type all of them. "Oh, this person died. Type their name, when they were born. Skim over the people they were survived by because it's just space that no one reads. Now type where they will be buried. Oh look, another!" And that was a good hour.
We also had court news going in the paper. Which was given to me with size eight font. And there were seven pages of it to type. Of course they couldn't Email it, that would be too easy. So, I had to type all of that.
But I don't think that is why I'm tired.
I got to stay behind and learn a little about PhotoShop. Yay for one on one time with the owner! I just love being taught something by someone who is doing fifty things at once and can't seem to focus on the task at hand. And anyway, I learn better by doing something myself. Kinda like when I would be so far ahead of the rest of the class (of 7) in Calculus. I would take my book home on purpose and do the odd problems so I could get practice and be six chapters ahead of the rest (again, of the other 7). Anyway, I was at work until 4 pm. I was riding home on the bike. I sent a text message to my brother asking to be picked up at Grandma's. The wind was strong and cold, and it wasn't at my back. My head starting hurting, because I was pedaling so hard to fight the wind. I was sweating all the way home in the truck, and not because the heater was on.
And that is why I think I'm tired.
After getting home, I checked the mail. We got a letter from Mom. And she wrote all of our letters on the same page. After I read the letter, I passed it to my brother. He then passed it to Dad after reading it. After Dad read it, his mood went sour. Like drank a whole gallon of lemonade sour. And why? Because Mom wrote all of the letters on the same page. Dad read what she wrote me, and in a way, was told off by Mom. Mom is a crafty devil, she is. If she is asked about it, she would probably say that she was wanting to save paper; but I know her better than that. If that was the case, she would have torn the paper into three pieces and wrote them that way. She did it on purpose. Oh that Mom of mine.
Anyway, she wrote that she was offered a 80% court release. Well, the chance to get one. She has to file all kind of paperwork, and that could take months. This kinda is lighting a fire under Dad's butt, because now he having to hurry up and get rid of Floozy. Another point for Mom.
But yeah, Dad's been grouchy ever since. He basically grunted at me asking if I was enjoying dinner. I must have something wired weird in my head, because I love seeing Dad in this mood. The panicked look in his eyes makes me want to jump up and down. Maybe now he'll start acting like he said he would. Let me just share with what she wrote:
And you know, Dad can't be shocked to read that. After all, I am not going to lie to Mom and tell her everything is just peachy. And she doesn't even need me to write to her, she can just tell from what Dad writes what's truth and what's lies.Michael, how are all your animals doing? Are you still at the paper? I'm proud of you, and I'm sorry for the way Dad (she used his actual name) treats you. He should be glad for all that you have done the past 3 or 4 years keeping the house while we both were locked up. Love all you kids.
Moving on...
I am kicking some major gaming butt in King of the Web! Thanks to everyone who has been voting. It is because of all of you that I am holding on to my place in the teens. I am currently in 15th Place with 323 votes. I have earned 80 votes just since 3 pm this afternoon. Thank you all so much!
And if it isn't too much trouble, please continue to vote. I know that it is time consuming, but it really does mean a lot to me to have this support for my channel. The more I stay on the front page, the more exposure my YouTube channel gets. Thank you again!
And it really does get more views on my videos. Just in the last seven days, I have earned another 17 views and 1 subscriber! Now I am at my all-time high of 4!
Speaking of which, I still haven't recorded anything for this Friday's video. I may make another Boonka video. I have had no luck with QWOP lately. I have gotten over the hurdle a few times, but as soon as I start recording, I mess up and have to start all over. I guess I could always try playing Slender: The Eight Pages. I have another idea, but I would have to run it by someone first. Since it would involve them. Well, I guess I can talk about it vaguely. I am thinking of having a guest in one of my videos. But who???
That I don't know. I have a couple ideas.
In other news...
The search is still on for a PS3. I have appealed to my Facebook friends for information. I have stalked eBay. I have even went the creepy route and sifted through Craigslist (which is really disturbing if you click on the wrong stuff). I may even abuse my power as newspaper composer and give myself a wanted ad in the paper. Heck, even if I could just borrow a console and controller, I would be immensely happier.
And actually buying one is now one more week in the future, because the electric bill arrived today. And it is even higher than last month. I have already set aside my portion of it, which in all fairness, is more than what I actually use. I mean, I am not home three days of the week, and I still have to pay one-third of the bill. But it is the only way to avoid a whole blowup with my father, so I have to put my money where my mouth is and keep my mouth shut.
Also, my games haven't arrived yet. Final Fantasy XIII-2 (with episode i) is somewhere between Columbus and here. It's arrival is set for either Thursday or Friday. Romancing SaGa is somewhere between Cincinnati and here. It may be here between tomorrow and next Wednesday. And Catherine has departed Flushing, New York, and is on its way here. It should arrive on Friday. And I am going to keep to my word and not buy anymore games until I have a PS3. I have limited my eBay searching for consoles that aren't listed as "For Parts or Not Working", and gas tanks for my brother's motorcycle. I have not been having a lot of luck with either search.
Now the title. I tried to take a nap after dinner. I knew if I succeeded then I would be awake at 1 am and be awake for the rest of the night. So, I managed to just lie there with my eyes closed. After I warmed up, I was no longer tired. So I got up, and typed this entry.
Well, tomorrow I am going to try and build a paper from nothing. It's quite possible that there will not be one. Then I would only get composing pay, which would then set me back another week (or two) on getting a PS3. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...