So much catch up, might as well call me Heinz...
, 01-28-2015 at 12:52 PM (1050 Views)
I have tried to write posts before, but when I sat down type, my fingers just had no power to bring my thoughts to the screen. Let's see if I can remember what has happened since the last entry.
It has been snowy and cold a lot lately. I didn't enjoy it. Especially when I had to take the puppy outside to use the bathroom. And no one else seems to know how to stand outside for her to do her business. It's always me to do it. She's not even my dog, just the result of my and Carma's dogs being together. If it was my choice, she wouldn't be inside at all. She is one of the furriest dogs I've ever seen for her breed, and it makes me think that she would do well as an outside dog. But oh well. She sleeps in my room, because it is the only way I can be sure that she will use the bathroom in the house as little as possible.
On nights when Carma is working, Blue is not the only one that sleeps with me. I usually have Jackson, Bella, Brutus, and Stri-P-Grr in with me as well. Because of how cold it has been each night, I have bringing my kitty in to sleep. Since she is so tiny and alone most of the time, I don't want her freezing to death. I also give her some canned food, because I can. Blue likes her, but Stri-P-Grr isn't very fond of that puppy. It's cute though, because the two of them will always be sleeping right next to each when I wake through the night.
The sixth season of the Trophy Hunters League still hasn't started. The person who was running it seems to have reached his limit of doing it. Oh well. The baton has been passed, and the season should start soon.
I started writing articles for Square Enix Origin again. It was weird because that same I started back, the owner of the website also started writing again. And it seems that it was a good coincidence, because we have caught the attention of the Square Enix staff. A couple nights ago, after I published an article on the iOS/Android version of Dragon Quest V going live, one of the product managers direct message our Facebook page. I told one the EO admins, who told the site owner. And since then he and this Kaori person have been messaging each other. It is looking good, and hopefully something more than just messages back and forth will come from it.
I started working with Larry again last weekend. He is teaching me about lighting and wiring, on top of all the other work we've been doing up to this point. I guess if it comes down to it, I could always try and use these new skills for finding more work. If Larry doesn't need me this evening, I will call down there and ask to be paid for what work I have done. I will need the money to put in the bank tomorrow, because I am running low and I don't want to make a special trip to the bank.
Monday night was spent watching Joey at the house by myself. Autumn and her two youngest stayed at a friend's house so she could babysit somewhere. I don't see why she has so much trouble getting him ready for school in the mornings. It was really easy for me. I guess first thing she'd have to do is get up when her phone's alarm goes off. Then she wouldn't be rushing around in the mornings. The next thing would be to not be screaming all of the time. Joey can only go so fast. It's no good for anyone if he's crying by the time Stacy gets here to pick him up. But I get him up with plenty of time. After he is dressed, I make his lunch and get his breakfast finished. After he eats, we go through his spelling words and math. Then after all that is done, we still have enough time to watch some cartoons. But when Autumn does the whole morning routine, everything is so frantic here. Oh well.
Last night I also watched Joey. Autumn's youngest was messing with things he wasn't supposed to and inhaled some hair spray. He was spaced out, and unable to do anything. Autumn called the paramedics and had to take him to the hospital. We had thought he had taken some of Carma's sleeping pills, because there were some missing and others chewed on. I am not sure what exactly went on, but when I was holding him and trying to keep him awake and responsive, he wasn't even able to control his bladder. So Makayla stayed with Larry and Tonya, and Joey was here with me. But everything seems fine now.
Well, I have to help Joey with his homework when he gets home from school. And after that I will try and get some sleep. Work tomorrow will be cold, and that will be fun. So, I guess that's it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...