I'm hot and I'm cold...
, 01-11-2015 at 08:33 PM (993 Views)
Well, over the last few days I have had a lot happen. So, I guess we'll begin with Thursday.
School was closed on Thursday, because of how cold it was that day. However, I still had to go to work. I bundled up more than I have done in my life. Remember the younger brother in The Christmas Story when his mother bundled him up. Well, imagine me dressed like that while pedaling my bike to town. And as bundled up as I was, it still couldn't keep me warm in the -20 degree wind chill weather. It got to the point where I actually had to go into an empty building to warm up. You see, I was over by one of the retirement complexes I deliver at, and I knew that their community buildings had unlocked laundry rooms. I tried the door to the building and when I saw that it was unlocked, I walked in. I found their kitchen, and went straight to the stove. But I didn't want to cause attention to myself, so I left it off. I then went to their bathroom and just sat on the toilet, trying to warm up. I made sure I didn't have any frostbite. Then I turned the hot water on and waited for the water to warm up. And I waited. And waited some more. It took forever to get hot enough to feel warmth from the water.
The actual delivering part was manageable. It was the standing in the cold shed and folding the papers that made me so cold. The delivery part was rough, too; but not as rough as just folding. I did have the joy of YouTube on my Vita to keep me company. But all of the dancing to music I could do could make me any warmer. But eventually I finished my route, and got to go back to the house. On the way, I stopped and bought Luca's tags for the year. And when I got to the house, I put the electric blanket on high, crawled in, and slept for a few hours. And that's the cold part.
Now the hot part. Yesterday, Carma decided to finally burn the junk pile. So Autumn and I went out and stood in the cold while we set the pile on fire. We were out there for hours. It was really cold, and I was hauling buckets of water back and forth to stabilize the fire. The water got onto my pants and froze them. I was walking around weird because of it. Eventually, a friend of Autumn's came to help out, and I got to back in the house. I then went to bed for what I wanted to be one hour. But that one hour became eight, and I couldn't keep my plans to watch Toonami with my friend.
And now for more hotness, though in a different way. This morning I went to check my 3DS for notifications. Only, it wasn't where I left it the night before when I went out to help with the fire. I looked everywhere for it, and no one knows where it is. The stylus is still here, but it's worthless without the 3DS. I asked everyone where it was or if they have even seen it. I even learned the words for video game in sign language just so I could ask Makayla myself. But still nothing. And Carma and Autumn aren't really doing anything about it. It has been very clearly been taken, and they're just blowing it off as nothing. It's not like some $2 tube of toothpaste. I spent weeks saving up the money for the 3DS, and then even more time saving up for Pokémon AlphaSapphire. Now, I'm out all of that money.
I printed out posters I made to try and get the kids to find it. Or rather, bring it back. They just point to the picture and nod their heads. But when asked where the real thing went, it's shrugged shoulders and I don't knows.
Tomorrow I'm going to have to ask Carma and Autumn to either get the kids to confess to taking and give it back, or get me replacements. I am tired of things going missing or getting broken. I have done everything that has been asked of me in staying here, and it seem like this is what I get in return. But I just so beyond mad! I didn't ask for this to happen.
Well, tomorrow the exterminator is coming again. Hopefully we get the all clear, and get to bring our things back up from the basement. Other than that, I don't really have plans except for looking for what has been stolen. So, I guess I will see you around the forums, and until then...