I'm glad it won't be as hot today...
, 09-06-2014 at 07:09 AM (540 Views)
It has been very hot these last few days. And believe it or not, the best refuge from the heat is outside. The wind has not been blowing through the window at all. Not like it did much good anyway, since with the air conditioner in the window there is only three inches of opening left. I turn the air conditioner on at 8pm last night instead of my usual 9pm. It was a good thing in more ways than one. Not only did it cool the room, but it also gave me a way to not deal with Joey as much. He stayed here last night, and I got to shut my door part of the way. It wasn't too bad dealing with Joey last night. He was a bit moody because he couldn't play with his new Kindle (that Carma's friend bought him), and I had to keep it in my room to charge it. But other than that, he was fine.
My route on Thursday went well. I finished my route early, and headed back to the house as fast as I could. You see, Jackson was hit by a truck on Wednesday, and he wasn't feeling well by the time I left for work. I hurried through work because I was worried about him. He was fine, just feeling sore from the accident. At least he learned to not be in the road and stay away from cars.
I mowed part of the yard on Wednesday. I ran out of gas and couldn't finish. I was kind of glad, because it was really hot. Carma said that she will get more gas this weekend, so I will be able to finish what I started. Along with mowing, Carma said that she is planning on maybe putting up the border on the walls this weekend. If she feels like it. I don't think it will happen today, and instead I will get a day to play video games.
Speaking of which, the competition starts on the 11th. I am getting ready for it and stuff. Not only am I setting up trophies for the competition, I am getting close to reaching trophy #1,000. I am hoping to make the Platinum trophy for Skyrim that one. Before I would wonder why people would try and make rare or Platinum trophies the milestone trophies, but I think I understand it now. It basically just adds more prestige to having the trophy.
Some other news that kind of connects with gaming. I am not going to be me3lingual for long. I have sent off for some learning supplies from Talk To Me In Korean. I was debating whether to learn Korean through TTMIK or doing a correspondence course in French through Stratford Institute. When it came down to it, Korean was cheaper to learn. I could go and learn any language for free, but I wanted to have some sort of structure. Having a textbook would be that structure. I wouldn't mind purchasing other language books at some point, but I want to see how this goes first. No sense spending money I don't have on things I won't use.
Well, that's about it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...