I have nearly mastered QWOP!
, 02-03-2013 at 09:38 PM (999 Views)
First, my left middle finger really hurts. I first thought it was because I stubbed it on the wall when I was having to catch Itsy Bitsy one day. Then I thought it was because U put his claw right in between the nail and the skin. And then I thought maybe the nail was just cutting into the skin. It was none of those, or quite possible the second one. My finger was infected with something, because the peroxide I put on it last night started fizzing. Then today, it kept swelling up. So this evening after a shower I started poking it with a toothpick (a fresh one from the container) and it the reason for the swelling came out. It was yucky. All I will say is that it still hurts and I hope that I get all of it out soon.
My finger's condition made playing QWOP today a little painful. Pushing the Q key was difficult. But somehow, I managed to reach 93.2 meters. And of course it was when I wasn't recording it. So, I made a little commentary with the screen still saying 93.2 meters. I will add it to the video I have already recorded for this Friday's video. If I am able to beat the game, then I won't have to even use what I have recorded so far. It would be great if I beat it and not have the video last more than 6 minutes.
I played Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light today. I am getting acquainted with the AP system. It sucks, but I am getting used to it. The AP system sucks, but it isn't the worst part of the game. The worst part, in my opinion, is the fact that the characters can only hold 15 items. Each! And that's not 15 different items, but can still have 99 of any particular item (like in FFIV). No, it's 15 items total. Which is not good for someone like me who relies on items to get through most RPGs.
Other than all that, things seem as neutral as ever. There was a little attitude from Dad when I said I didn't need anything from town, but that was all. And really, if I needed anything from town, I wouldn't need him to get whatever it was for me. I wouldn't want to be accused of using him for something.
Well, that's about it for now. Tomorrow I am at home, doing the Monday thing. May do more of what I did today, which would be fine with me. I'm off to bed, so...I hope to see you around the forums, and until tomorrow...