As if we didn't have enough snow on the ground already.
, 02-04-2013 at 07:48 PM (754 Views)
Right now it is not snowing, but it snowed for a majority of the day. We hadn't gotten rid of the snow we already had, so this just made everything that much worse. But that's not why my day was bad.
I woke up at 2am this morning. I heard Dad watching TV, so I thought it was already 6am. I try to get the kittens outside at that time to use the bathroom, that way I don't have to clean up any messes. And because my window was frozen shut, I had to carry them to the front door. Only after I walked back into my room did I notice that it was only 2 in the morning.
Then at 4am, the house phone rings. And it was Floozy. Of all the people in the entire world that would call the house, it had to be Floozy with no emergency at all. She accidentally called the house phone instead of Dad's cell phone. I hung up on her, because why not? You don't call someone at four in the morning and wake them up without it being a major emergency! At least not here. Unless there is a chance that you will die, do not call me at 4am just to say that you thought you were calling Dad's cell phone. Especially with your own cell phone. It's really quite simple, and here's how you prevent this happening (yes, I am writing to someone that will not ever read this): The house line is in my name, so technically it is mine. Do not put it in your phone's contact list as my Dad's house phone. It is not his, and until he pays what he owes it will never be his. Simple. And one more thing. Dad's cell phone is NOT Dad's cell phone. It is also mine. It is in my name and will remain in my name until Mom comes back and reclaims it as hers. Then, it will probably still be in my name, because it was even when Mom was using it. Simple.
Then I woke up at the real 6am, and put the cats out again. There weren't any problems.
Finally, I was woken up by boot stomping noises on the front porch at 7:30am. It was Floozy. Her visit did not last long, because I interrupted them shortly after she arrived and told Dad about Kerry wanting to go grocery shopping. Then, Floozy left and Dad left.
When Dad got home, he was in an attitude. He said it was because I was in one first. I already told him several times, that this wasn't an attitude. It was who I am all the time when I am dealing with idiots.
And that was how it was when he left with Floozy that afternoon. Then the snow came down hard, and my brother an I were left to fend for ourselves for the evening. We ended up making a pizza, because we did not know when Dad would be back. He arrived as I was getting the pizza out of the oven. He said he had already eaten. I then said that it was classic Dad, always putting himself over his children. He got in my face at that one. I didn't back down, not one bit. I told him my feelings toward him. I said flat out, "I don't like you." Then he went all, "This is my house, so move out" again. I told him that if he didn't like the way things are, then he could move out just as easily. After all, I pay for nearly everything already. His little payment plan is not needed.
This evening, I dug out some of the letters that Dad wrote me while he was in prison. I am planning on putting some of what he wrote on my bedroom door. I have all kinds of stuff written on my door, on notecards and cardboard taped to my door. I don't write on the actual door (I may act it, but I'm not 5). Mainly to anger him, but hopefully inspire him to live by what he wrote. After all, if he doesn't do what he wrote, then what he wrote is just words on a page and the promises mean nothing. Ooh, that was sorta deep. If I was into wearing shirts with words on them, I would put that on a shirt and wear it as many days each week as possible.
Moving on...
It is going to be 26 degrees (-3 Celsius) tomorrow morning when I leave for work. And to prove a point, I will be riding to work on my bike. After all, I did this all the time last year. The point I am proving is that Dad is wrong...again. And that he is an idiot (won't be hard). Yes, I am not used to doing it as much as I was last year, but it is not impossible. It is less than half of what I ride on Thursdays, so it won't be tough. And it also means that I am not wasting money buying gas that won't be used to drive me to work! Yay for being fiscally responsible! But still, as long as Dad realizes I am right and that he's an idiot, I am happy.
Back to the letters for just a second. I told him about me keeping an online journal/blog way back when, and he wrote back saying that he would like to read it one day. I just remembered that when I read the letters again. Back then, I would be fine with it. Now, no way. Although, it might open his eyes to the truth. Maybe I should, and further prove that he's an idiot. Maybe I should stop using the word idiot to describe him. But today, that is just what he is. An idiot.
Anyway...back to what is important...
Tomorrow I am working in the office on my twelfth newspaper. I say this at least once a week, I know, but it is still so great and shocking and amazing that I am now in this super awesome job. I am going to kick butt tomorrow. I will really cold for the first hour of it, but I can still kick butt when I am freezing. Which reminds me, I need to find Valentine's Day junk for the paper this week. Things like romantic gift ideas, places to eat at in the area for the big day, and all kinds of mushy stuff like that.
In other news...
As I was reopening the puss-filled spot in my finger, I stabbed it too hard and drew blood. It hardly hurts now. There is still pain, but it doesn't feel like my finger is about to explode.
I played more of Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light today.
My latest credit card payment went through. Yay! So, I went and purchased my new messenger bag. Yay more! I am just 16 days from having a brand new messenger bag. Yay still! I also looked at PS3 console prices, but I didn't buy anything. Everything was just out of my current price range. Maybe next month.
I am going to stop at the thrift store tomorrow (if they're open) and see about getting some pants. This winter is nothing like last year. I can't be wearing shorts all the time. And since the good clothing stores are so far away, and since the snow and cold are here for a while yet, I will have to wear things that have already been worn by someone else. Yay (only not so much)!
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, or elsewhere on the Internet, or in real life; and until then...