So, it's coming to a close.
, 12-31-2013 at 10:09 PM (1085 Views)
I wrote my final 6-Month Gaming Challenge blog entry tonight. It was nice to write the blog. I doubt I would've been able to finish as many games as I did if I hadn't written it. It will definitely be weird not having to stay up late because I hadn't written an entry yet.
I went and started a new one as well. It won't be daily updated. No, I am thinking 2 or 3 times each week. And I want to do more than just write about what game I am playing at that time. I want to post detailed reviews and gaming news as well. I hope you all go over and read it from time to time. I am calling it 3ł Gaming.
Today, I did my traditional deleting of the save files. I got rid of everything that reminded me of old gaming failures, and only kept those that were made by my brother. His save file of Grand Theft Auto IV is on my profile, so it stayed. I went through everything, from the PS3 down to the Nintendo 64. Which, by the way, surprised me that it still worked. I haven't had it on in, well, a year. And it was a good chance for me to get everything situated in my gaming cabinet. Did you know that I had Mario Party 7 in my GameCube, and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition in the Mario Party 7 case? I didn't know that either.
Anyway, I made updated the list. Not counting PSN downloads or PC games, I have 188 different discs and cartridges of gaming adventures totaling 327 different games. Those compilation games with retro Atari and SEGA games sure do add to the total.
My New Year's Resolution this year is to not buy as many games this year. After I receive my pre-ordered Lightning Returns and Final Fantasy X/X-2 copies, I am done. Until they announce if Kingdom Hearts 2.5 and III will be on a platform I own. But nothing else. Not until I finish what I have right now.
I found a nice piece of wood to use as a smooth surface to place my PS3, PSP, and Nintendo DS games on. Before they were just sitting on the floor under my television and PS3. Now they are on a fancy elevated place under my television and PS3.
I still haven't decided what will be the first game I play in 2014. I was hoping to have a decision before midnight, but now there's only 5 minutes left. I was kind of leaning toward Pokémon Black 2, because I never gave it much attention in 2013. That will be probably be the handheld game I play. But as for console game, I don't know. I got Star Ocean: The Last Hope - International in the mail today from Square Enix. It looks like fun. And I still haven't given Tomb Raider Trilogy much of a look through since I got it last month. And then there's Fallout: New Vegas calling out to me as well. So many choices.
I tried to install The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on to the laptop, but I haven't gotten it to work. The game, that is. I think I just want to trade it in for a XBox copy. That's what I originally wanted, but I chose the PC version to give some PC gaming experience. That's probably the worst decision I made this year.
Happy New Year!
Actually, I don't remember if I bought Morrowind in 2013 or 2012. I think it was 2012. Yeah, it was; because I couldn't get it to run in my desktop I got in December of 2012. So, it was the worst decision I made in 2012. Anyway, I think I will trade it if I can find a copy cheap enough. And by trade, I mean sell my PC copy on eBay and get enough to pay for a XBox copy. Because what are the chances that someone would want to trade the XBox version for a PC copy of the same game?
Well, that's all for this final entry for 2013/first entry of 2014. I think I should make a resolution to not ramble as much in these blog entries. Yeah, that's not going to happen. Anyway, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...