If only I could mute the sounds of the storm.
, 07-23-2013 at 08:48 PM (700 Views)
It is so loud right now here in the house. The storm outside is raging, and it pounding on the roof and windows so much right now. I am glad that the roof on the house is still in great shape. It's been just about two years since the new roof was put up (I believe I wrote about it in my old journal). And unfortunately, the cats are outside and they won't come out from their dry spots to go in the house and keep me comforted. Especially since U is afraid of storms. If there is a break in the storm, I will try and get him to come in.
And that was pretty much the entire day today. Rain, rain, and more rain. I did manage to bring in the mail before it became dark, so that's good. What's also good is that I woke up at 9:30am this morning. I didn't get to sleep until 2:30am, so I don't know if it counts. I still don't know how my sister and brother are able to go to sleep at 10pm and wake up 11am or noon the next morning. Most likely, I would have to stay up for 3 days in order to do that.
I caught a Tympole today when I played Pokemon White. It is so CUTE! I caught it, and then stopped playing. I hope that when I see its evolved form that it stays cute. I would hate to see it become some big ugly bullfrog or something. If it does, I think I may cry, or never ever battle with it. One thing I noticed is that unless you level grind for hours, you really have to listen to the hint-givers and go where they suggest you go in order to win. Before I battled Cilan, I was told to go to the Dreamyard and train. That's when I was given Pansear and the battle was a piece of cake. Now I am told to catch a Fighting-type Pokemon in order to combat the Leader's Normal-types. The trainer battles in the museum were super tough. That's why I followed the advice and I am now looking for a Fighting-type Pokemon. That's when I caught Tympole.
I am working on traveling back to Cloud Ruler Temple to give Martin the book in Oblivion. I also completed a few other quests in Cheydinhall as well.
And I looked up game completion times online this evening. I wanted a short game that I owned that I could play and post about in my gaming blog. The shortest game the person listed was one I owned. To find out what that game is, and to read more about my Oblivion story; read my latest gaming blog entry.
I am hoping that the rain isn't so loud tomorrow. But I also hope that it just gets done with the rain before Thursday. So if the storm has to be extra loud and rainy in order to do so, then I won't mind. I do know that a soggy Michael on a bicycle is a grumpy Michael on a bicycle. And I am not my happy and chipper self when I am wet.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...