If I forgot to capitalize something, blame my Shift Key. I can't be bothered to take responsibility
, 03-13-2014 at 08:44 PM (869 Views)
Some good news. I received a message from the Square Enix Online Store. I have have shipping confirmation for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster. It came while I was sleeping this evening after dinner (Mom made a homemade pizza). So I guess I very well might finally get to play the games I have been waiting for so long.
Now if I could only hear some kind of response about Thief. After all, the game was supposed to arrive two weeks ago. I have sent a message to them asking about it. So, who knows.
I was planning on getting home from work in time to participate in the live chat for the FFXIV Giveaway. However, the weather and this week's paper size did not allow that to happen. I arrived at 8:39am, and didn't finish working until 2:48pm. It was so cold today, but I was working so hard to finish quickly that I shed the layers and put them in my messenger bag.
I arrived at Grandma's at 3:13pm. I didn't stay to chat, because I wanted to get home. She was busy watching basketball, anyway. I gave her a copy of the paper, and then rode home. And at 3:45pm, I opened the front door of the house and unloaded all of my stuff from my bike. And after dinner, I fell asleep. Then, Mom and I had a random chat session where we talked mainly about how I would hurt myself for no good reason. Like the time I nearly broke my ankle because I fell off the porch. Or the time I strained my back simply by walking. Or when I strained my back carrying a bag of dog food. Mom thought it was funny that I can so easily hurt myself. I told her I was glad I could make her laugh, even at the cost of my physical well-being.
Other than that, things are okay. Tomorrow I am riding to Sinking Spring, where it will be thirty degrees warmer than it was today. I truly believe that the entity that controls the weather has it marked on his calendar to make it bad weather on days I deliver. If only I could test that theory more than once or twice each year.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...