If I would ride 800 miles...
, 03-14-2014 at 09:04 PM (1037 Views)
The current location of my Lightning Returns and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD is Minnesota. I still don't know anything about Thief's location, other than it is not in my possession. Maybe I'll get a response tomorrow.
Today Mom and I learned a few interesting details about my brother and his girlfriend. Things that are NSFW. Basically, the girlfriend is involved in a bunch of bad things, and my brother is quickly being brought into all of it. So much that people who respect him are no longer bringing him work, nor want him anywhere near them. And why is my brother hanging out in that environment? He loves the girlfriend's 17-month-old daughter as his own. Mom is mad at him, because he is bringing this "work" home with him, and it's putting her at risk. She's only been home for six weeks, and because of all this that's happening, there's a chance she won't see six more.
Something has to be done. Someone has to set my brother straight. Dad seems to be welcoming it. Probably because if Mom is gone, then the biggest obstacle on taking over here is gone as well. I don't know.
My Uncle had a real estate agent here today to find out the value of the house. While he was here, he told Mom that it wasn't to actually put it up for sale (which would be wrong, since I am making payments to own it). Basically, he wants to find out if it is worth continuing to have me buy it, or if he can get something more out of it. I'm going to do all I can to keep it. It may be possible that I'll buy it outright, and possibly get it cheaper than what I am originally buying it for. I have already started the loan application process. It's better to start it now than later, yes?
The ride to Sinking Spring this morning was nice. I didn't have to bundle up, sporting only a light jacket over my clothes. The only bad thing I'd say I dealt with was having the Korean version of Let It Go stuck in my head. And that's not really bad, since I think it sounds better than the English language version. The English version is better than the Japanese version, though.
Tomorrow I am hoping to get some gaming done. Since I am only 800 miles from Lightning Returns, I should probably get XIII-2 finished before then. Or not. I don't know. I also want to finish Skyrim, so I can decide whether to delete the file, or go ahead and buy the DLC for the game.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...