Happy 500th Blog Post!
, 03-12-2014 at 09:55 PM (1251 Views)
Okay, so I still haven't gotten a response from Square Enix regarding the Thief order or the Final Fantasy X/X-2 and Lightning Returns order. I did get some public response to the comment I made on SQEXMembersNA's newest YouTube upload. I have been told that the Email I received in regard to X/X-2 being on backorder was sent in error. As much as I want to believe the replies to my comment, I am hesitant. For all I know, these could just be dummy accounts to maintain a good image for Square Enix's online store.
Moving on...
Today Mom and I did some searching through public records to find out information on my brother's girlfriend. It showed that her criminal history is more extensive than both parents' combined. And my brother is getting caught up in it all. Mom asked him about it when he came home this evening. I was in my room, so I didn't hear his response. We even printed it out so he could see it for himself. I will probably find out more tomorrow.
So, this is entry number five hundred in this blog. I am surprised that I haven't burnt myself out of making these daily updates into my life. My gaming blog seems more like work than fun sometimes. But I like writing these entries. It's kind of like my own personal Pensieve. I can just write my thoughts, memories, and feelings here; and retrieve them when needed. Looking back at the person who made post number 1, I can see that I have changed a lot. My writing style itself has stayed constant, but I can tell that post number 1's author was still so naive of things. If I could go back to that time, I would point out to him that he was being played by his father. Wake him up from the dream world he was living in, and tell him that things aren't the way he wants them to be.
But it hasn't been all bad. I competed to become King of the Web's Gaming King. I reached the Top 10 in that competition twice, and quite a few Top 25 finishes. I also became the editor and composer of the paper for a time. And I have the best looking bicycle ever. So yeah, I'd say that in these 500 posts are quite a lot of ups and downs.
Anyway, I am excited to see what happens in the next five hundred. I am not excited about what happens tomorrow, though. Two days ago it was nearly seventy degrees outside. Tomorrow when I am delivering, it will be around thirty degrees. I am so ready for warmer weather. This teasing warm weather is not fair at all. I am sick of having to cover my legs. They are my best asset (after my brain, of course) and deserve to be shown off, not covered up and sheltered.
Well, that's all for this evening. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...