Icy Balls
, 12-29-2012 at 07:57 PM (998 Views)
As usual, Itsy Bitsy slept in bed with me last night. This morning when I woke up I noticed that she was not snuggled up against me, so I feel around the bed trying to find her. I am normally able to see her using the light from my modem and that of the kitchen when Dad is up. This morning, none of the lights were on. It was pitch black, and the electricity in the house is out. I grabbed my phone and used it to find Itsy Bitsy, put her outside to use the bathroom, and walked into Dad's living room. It was nearly seven then, and the power had been out since before 5am.
When it was light enough to see, I started on my winter chores. I shoveled the snow off the porch and deck, and brought in firewood. While I was doing all that, Dad measured the snow. We had five inches of snow, and more in some areas. I fed the animals, and went to the mailbox to send a letter. As I started down the hill, Dad came out the front door. He didn't see me, so I made a snowball and threw it. I didn't throw it hard enough to hit him, but it did land right in front of him. After it landed, I started laughing. It was so funny, the look on his face. If he had been a couple feet closer it would have hit him in the face. He said he was going to tackle me in the snow, so I moved into the yard. I was in the driveway, and if he was going to tackle me, I was not going to land in the driveway with all the gravel.
After my brother woke up, the three of us went to town. I only went so I could go to the office and get my check. We went to check on Grandma, because her electricity didn't come back on until way after ours did. As we were bringing in some firewood for her, I once again made a snowball and threw it. I was aiming for my brother, but instead hit Dad in his left hand. I then chased my brother with another snowball and hit him in the lower back. As we were leaving, I stood tall for my punishment. The two of them pelted me with snowball after snowball. Then my brother had to dust all the snow off me so I could get in the truck.
After we got back home, it was pretty much a quiet day. I went to my room and played around on my computer while Dad and my brother played pool in the garage. The electricity flickered on and off several times throughout the day. Which was kind of annoying because it was always while I was in the middle of something.
Then this evening, my brother went to his friend's house and Dad went to cheat on Mom. I just love how he thinks I don't know where he's going when he says "I'm leaving, I'll be back later." I would prefer that he would just leave without telling me. Because all telling me does is make me not like him that much more.
I had the house to myself, so I spent the time with Itsy Bitsy, U, and Omega. Itsy Bitsy and U are friends now (I think). They are always chasing each other and play fighting. Omega stayed under my bed most of the time, but he made it a point to let me pet him a while before he went back outside. Right now, Itsy and U and playing hide and seek. It is funny when one of them will jump on the footstool in order to watch the other one, and then pounce on the unsuspecting kitty. U tries so hard to get Itsy Bitsy, but she is just too quick for him.
The paper's Facebook page has 23 likes now. Three likes just today. It is really getting attention now. I am so glad. I have some other ideas to incorporate the page with the paper, but I would like to run them by the owner first. I was thinking of posting and printing a special ad deal where if they like the page, they will get a discount on their next ad or something. You see these kinds of things with all sorts of businesses.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you all around the forums, and until then...