The game may get here before the demo's done downloading.
, 01-21-2014 at 09:53 PM (1733 Views)
Mom accidentally woke me up this morning by turning on the light in the room I was in. She wasn't used to the house, so she was turning on lights to find her way through the house. It was almost the time I usually get up at, so I just stayed awake. We talked as she drank actual coffee for the first time in four years. Then after the third cup, she said that it was too weak, and that she'd make it stronger tomorrow. She couldn't help it, since she hasn't made anything other than instant coffee for quite some time.
Today was so cold and snowy. I went and shoveled the snow off of the porch this morning. By the time I got finished, the part of the porch I had started from was already covered again. It was snowing so hard, and the wind wasn't helping. There was so much snow that it was pouring in the cat house, with the cats inside huddled together.
This afternoon, I began the download of the Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII demo. And I am still in the process of downloading it. My Internet is so slow today. It is at about 40% downloaded right now. I really don't care about the demo, because I still haven't finished XIII-2 yet. I was more interested in the free costume for Lightning that comes with it (Utsusemi Samurai). And I will definitely finish the demo, because of the other new costume you get for posting the battle score on the Outerworld (Seigfried). I wrote an article for EnixOrigin on the demo today that included thoughts on it from members that have finished it already. From what they said, it should be a nice thing to play when I get the thing downloaded.
I finally defeated Vexen in Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. I had help from a friend who was messaging me on PSN. Anyway, I tried going up against Riku, and lost. I will work on that tomorrow.
Well, I am pretty sleepy, and pretty cold; so I will end this here and get under the covers. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...