I would never have thought that if I wasn't told it.
, 01-23-2013 at 08:27 PM (793 Views)
Work today was similar to yesterday. I am surprised that I was able to finish the paper. Our sales staff didn't show up today. Gabby was sick, and Misty was taking care of her sick child. But I finished. And then at 2:45pm today, the press called and said that the paper had the wrong date on it. After I had already shut down the computer. I knew that the date was right, because it was the last thing I check before sending it to press. The press also said that the press report was out of date, which was also a lie.
So there I was, having to start up a slow as molasses computer with Dad waiting for me in the parking lot. I checked the documents again, and sure enough, I had the correct dates on everything. But what happens? The internet decides it wants to slow me down even more, and refuses to connect. I had to wait for it to repair the connection. In the end, i sent the paper to press for the second time, and went home knowing that I was right, they were wrong, and that my check tomorrow will be five dollars more than normal.
Iris and I got to talk a lot about the paper's financial status. There's a bunch that I can't really say, but it is summed up as we are not getting the money we should be. Businesses aren't paying what they owe. The title of this entry was a small snippet of the conversation. There may be some shady business with one of the staff. Anyway... But we have to stay positive. January is always the hardest month. And it's nearly over. Just one more issue this month, and we can begin our February projects.
Anyway, I have the route tomorrow. I haven't checked the weather yet, but I have this feeling it will be like today. Cold. With a capital BRRR! Well, I should head to bed. 5am comes early. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...