What started as a one-hour job turn out to be the entire workday.
, 02-21-2013 at 08:09 PM (7018 Views)
I arrived at work this morning at 7 am. There, I began my usual delivery prep. At 8:30, the office phone rings. I thought it was probably someone that knows that I am in the office, because we aren't open at that time of the morning. It turned out to be someone that Misty had called the day before asking about placing an ad. After hanging up with the person, I called Misty, who called the person. Then, as I was out delivering, Misty called me. She sold a full page ad with color. I was called to make a note when I got back to the office to make sure no one else called them and possibly ruin the account.
As I was making the note, the owner arrived to get her papers. She had me save the final copy of the menu to a flash drive, and then she left. Before she did, she asked me to watch out for a person delivering a shipment of flyers and to give them their check. Finally, I was able to finish my route.
It was cold out today, but I was dressed warm and prepared for the weather. My messenger bag isn't the best at holding newspapers. It may be because it's new, I don't know. But I couldn't fit all of my newspapers in it. My new bag is bigger than the old one. It's the zipper at the top most likely. Anyway, I was able to finish the route without any problems.
At 10:26 am, I arrived at the office and began to work on the Easter brochure. All of the ads were sold today, and I also finished placing them on the brochure. All I have to do now is change the front art (right now it still says Halloween), and insert the decorating tips I found. I couldn't find much variety, but there tons of egg decorating ideas. All kinds of cute themes for Easter eggs. What I am planning on doing is putting a coloring space in one spot, and then a egg theme idea in the next spot. That way, it is still both informative and is pleasing to children.
And the best part is, I am getting to work in the office again tomorrow to do it. Iris and Pam are so excited to get this brochure done and paid for that they are actually paying me to work on a day I don't normally work so the business can get more money coming in.
Which then gives me a chance to begin on the next project. A menu for the Locust Grove Dairy Bar. This place is just down the hill from Grandma's and I eat there a lot when it is open. There are already three ads sold for it.
And I also have to make the full page ad for the college too. That's the one Misty sold. The ad is technically finished, but it is made for a bigger paper. I have to resize it to fit ours.
The downside to all of this is that I have had no time to record anything for tomorrow. I have an idea of what to do instead. I will work on it after posting this. It will be different. And probably something I will only do one episode of.
Anyway, that's about it for today. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...