I won 1-0 in Overtime!
, 11-20-2012 at 06:40 PM (3635 Views)
I arrived at the office at 8:30am this morning, because I figured that I would need as much time as possible in order to get the paper finished. I had the Thanksgiving letters typed when Gabby arrived at 10am. Then, while she did nothing, I worked on piecing the paper together. By 1pm when Misty arrived, I had the majority of the paper complete. I had the paper tightened to 13 pages.
Now, in order to send the paper to the press, it must have a page count that is a multiple of 4. But I couldn't do anything more on it until Misty arrived. There were things already in the paper that I did not know if they stayed or went. There was a full page ad already in from last week, and I needed confirmation on whether to print it again. When I was told to remove it, I continued my work. There was just one problem. Every time the ad was moved, it would crash the program. I was told to delete the ad one piece at a time. Removing the ad was like defusing a bomb, if you touch the wrong piece then the computer would crash.
Then, I came up with a brilliant idea. I suggested we start a new document and just copy and paste what I did on the old document on to the new one. Then another snag came. The Thanksgiving letters were on several pages, and were linked on top of all that. So I had a crash course on how to link and unlink articles.
At 3pm, Gabby left, and Misty and I were left with the paper. Then the owner came. This made me a bit nervous. I was instructed by Misty on how to finalize the paper, and get it ready for the press. While I was doing this, Misty and Pam (the owner, A.K.A. Misty's Mom) had a heated discussion on everything concerning the paper. They were raising their voices, and I had to hear all of it. I was nervous enough as it is. This agruement just made everything that much more scary. The arguing ceased for a moment when I had trouble with a picture that was missing. After I was set back on path, the arguing started up again.
Eventually, they finished their "discussion", and deemed me capable to complete the process by myself. I had actually done the last steps once before (see my Journal entry from the last Thursday in July 2012) while the rest of the staff was on vacation. I was still nervous because the paper was already an hour late to the press. And I did not want the paper to be messed up.
*I learned that the paper has to be set up a certain way. I already knew the page order (page 1 with 12, 2 with 11, etc.), but it has so many other steps before getting to that point.
Anyway, I walked out the door (and locked it, with my key) at 4:15pm. I was glad to have finished, though my hands were still shaking. But at least it's done. I made my first paper. I will probably be so excited when I see it as a finished product that I will have it laminated. Or at least scan it on my (borrowed) computer and post it on Facebook or something. On top of all that, I may be getting overtime pay. For the hour after closing that I worked, not the 90 minutes before opening. I volunteered to come before opening, and was told to stay after to finish.
In other news, The Grudge wasn't scary at all last night. I managed to sleep just fine, and even walk through the house without fear of some weird Japanese person chasing me. Although, the part when the detective is watching the security camera footage and the thing looks right at the camera and opens its eyes kinda freaked me out. To see nothing but black,and all of a sudden a pair of eyes seems to be looking right at you. Yeah, that kinda got me.
Dad was watching a movie at dinner time tonight. I have seen the movie before, and mentioned that I would react the same way if I was put in that situation. I told Dad, "Yeah, if that happened to me, I would also smash the person's head in with a snowglobe as well." Dad kept silent after I said it. I think he knows now why I am not as nice to him as I used to be.
*In case you are wondering, the person I was talking about in one of my previous entries is my Dad. Yeah, I found out something about him that would cause me to want to smash his head in with a snowglobe. I won't go in to more detail. But if you know what movie I am talking about, then you will know all you need to know about what is happening.
Also, my brother is back! And he didn't come with his video games. He said that someone stole them. Oh well. I asked him if he wanted me to make a list of what was stolen, and he said no. But yeah, my brother is back for Thanksgiving. He will be here until Sunday. And Dad said that my sister may be coming home for the weekend as well.
That's about it for tonight. I have to wake up early and deliver the papers, that I made! After that is finished, I am free until Monday. Since the office will be closed on Thursday for the holiday, and with all the sales going on on Friday, we will close for that day due to stores being too busy to buy ad space. So I have a four day weekend. The perfect time for some quality gaming.
Well, I hope to see you around the forums, and until I do...