I want to go shopping! Oh wait, I already did. In the game.
, 03-17-2013 at 08:11 PM (958 Views)
King of the Web
Gaming King
14 Days Remain
I am currently in 15th Place, with 240 votes so far. I earned 140 votes during the first day of campaigning. As far as my average goes, I am doing much better during this election than the previous three.
I am thinking of saving up my earned votes after this election. That way, I can use all those saved up for winning some time later down the line. It seems to work for other people.
Moving on...
Today I played The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Grand Theft Auto IV. In Oblivion, I once again hung around the Imperial City. This time, completing some side quests that were a easy to finish and quick to fill my wallet with gold. While I was waiting for Agarmir to leave his house so I could sneak in and find out his ways for getting Thoronir's inventory, I raised my Alteration skill enough to gain a Level. So, now I am Level 2. I rested at The Bloated Float, and then completed the job there when the Float was sent out to sea. Now, I am back at the market district, thinking of what to do next. I have spoken to the beggars for information on the Gray Fox, so I may as well join.
I will also probably join up at the Arena. I need to raise my strength more if I am going to eventually do some dungeon crawling. I need to raise it so I can carry more items. Well that, and purchase a Feather spell. When I leveled up, I could only raise Strength one point. So that's only 5 extra pounds I can carry. Maybe being a Wood Elf was not a wise choice.
And in Grand Theft Auto IV, I completed some missions. Not enough to get back to where my brother is in the game, but I am getting there. I am thinking I may stay up late and work on getting there. I also completed a mission for him today. He let me drive to the location while he was in the bathroom. And when I got there, he still wasn't back yet. So I started the mission. I was working my magic, and managed to not die where he had been dying.
He saw me shooting all the mafia members while not even getting a scratch on me. I handed him the controller, and he then said, "Keep going." I managed to get past the gunfire to the bag of money, then shoot my way through wave after wave of mafiosi. After that, I swam to the boat waiting for Packie and me, and drove the boat to the mission's end.
After the mission was over and I was paid, I gave my brother back the controller and said, "Why were you having so much trouble with this mission? It's so easy."
My brother is the type to go guns blazing if being methodical doesn't show results. For example, he was on a mission to kill three strip club managers. After eleven failed attempts of killing only the managers, he became frustrated. On the twelfth and thirteenth attempts, he started throwing grenades and didn't care who died. As long as the three on the hit list were disposed of, he would get paid and clear the mission.
And my brother's ammo usage is really wasteful, too. He will use 10-30 bullets per person. I guess to make sure the person is good and dead. Like right now as I type this, he is using half a clip per person in this shootout at an apartment complex.
I am the opposite. My strategy is to take them out from a distance. And if that doesn't work, then I will resort to close range stuff. And my ammo usage is very minimal. That's why I haven't had to buy ammo, while my brother goes to the ammo stores every other mission.
Fallout 3 may arrive in the mail tomorrow. Or Tuesday. Or Wednesday or Thursday. I sure do hope it's tomorrow. I have been waiting for it to arrive for so long. When I was in the planning stages for getting my PS3, Fallout 3 was on my list of games I wanted to get. Now I am quite possibly just a matter of hours from having it in my possession.
There are still a few games I hope to own at some point in the future. The first is The Sims 3. I own The Sims 1 and 2, so it makes sense in a collector's viewpoint. I heard from a friend that it is better than the first two games; and with it's online stuff, it could really be fun. The second game I want is Skyrim I watched the first episode of a playthrough of it, and I really liked what I saw. It's graphics were nice. And dragons are always cool! And the last game I can think of right now is Gran Turismo 5. Also for the collection aspect. I own the first three, and my brother still has his copy of 4 in Dayton. That's all I can think of right off the top of my head. Since I own most of the other games I had on the list, I threw the list away. I don't think there were any other games.
I also printed out a list of what I games I already have tonight. Of the 153 games I own, I have only completed 66 of them. So really, I shouldn't be wanting to buy more. And I won't. Unless I come into some money. Like if I get all the aluminum cans I have saved up over the last two years taken to the recycling center for cash. Or I get a big raise at work (which may happen). The only other situation in which I will buy those games is if I see them at a yard sale. And that's a long shot. There aren't a lot of people around here with the funds for current gaming consoles. I mean, I bought one just months (or however long it is) before the PS4 comes out. So chances that someone else would have those games I want is slim.
Tomorrow it will be raining all day, so I won't be riding to Hillsboro tomorrow. Maybe I will do it on Friday. That's my next day off. Anyway, tomorrow will be spent gaming while being all nice and cozy. Wrapped up in a blanket and ready to take a nap whenever. And then there is also the preparation for work on Tuesday that will occur as well.
Well, I have gone on long enough for one day. I am off to the shower, and then to either watch my brother play more or to play myself, or to go to sleep. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...