I thought I made an entry today...
, 09-02-2014 at 09:04 PM (1056 Views)
...guess not. Anyway, this will probably be a shorter entry. It rained off and on. When it rained, it was nice and cool. When it was dry, it humid and miserable. Finally it came time for Carma and Joey to leave, and I got to turn the air conditioner on. I really don't see the reasoning behind the rule where I can only have it on at night. When I turn it on, it runs for a few hours nonstop. When it finally kicks off, it will only be off for a few minutes before turning back on again. Wouldn't having it on all the time regulate the temperature and not require it to be running so much? I mean, it's one of those fancy Energy Star things, so there isn't as much power going to waste. But no, I have to sweat and feel like I'm about to die of heatstroke or something until I can finally turn it on; all the while Carma and Joey can have their rooms all frosty and cool all day long.
Tales of Xillia 2 arrived today. And I did more than test it out to see if it worked. I have been playing it all day. It's okay. I definitely prefer the ability and skill system of the first game to the second one. I Lillium Orbs are easier than Allium Orbs. The story almost makes up for it though. Since I haven't actually finished the first one (I know, I am a horrible person), I can't really mark it down any since I don't know the story to complain. I know I don't like the Allium Orbs, and that's why I stopped playing after eight hours. I wanted to do great things with the ability system, but I ended up sticking to their defaults and it makes me want to start all over from the very beginning. It's not just because of that that I want to start over. I want to see what would happen if I took the other choices. Like what would happen if I...
or if I said...
or what happens if I...
Anyway, that was my day. Tomorrow if it isn't raining, I will mow the yard. It needs it. Then I am also preparing for my route on Thursday. So, I guess that's all for now. I am a little tired, and so I am going to go to sleep. Hopefully by the time I wake up there will be more details on the car crash that killed K-Pop's Ladies' Code member Go EunBi. So anyway, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...