I am no longer allowed to help a friend.
, 03-13-2013 at 07:10 PM (739 Views)
Work today was okay. But okay on the negative side. It could have been better. I finished my work just fine. There weren't any major problems with making the paper. But the owner dragged me into a situation I had no reason to be in. She tried to get me to side against Gabby. And all because Gabby supposedly overcharged a friend of the owner's for adspace. And really, the customer just misunderstood Gabby. I don't think I am near the end of this situation. Why? Because I learned today that the owner doesn't like Gabby, and wants to see her no longer work here at the paper.
Another crackdown today was on eating at the office. The owner no longer wants us to eat lunch at the office, because she doesn't want to get bugs in the office. And if we must eat at the office, we are to take the trash with us when leave for the day. Personally, I think it is ridiculous what she's asking. But that's just me.
Anyway, tomorrow I am delivering the paper and then afterwards I will be working all day in the office to work on as much of the Locust Grove Dairy Bar menu as possible. Most of the ads I have to place in it are finished. I haven't put the menu items in yet, and that will be the bulk of my work. I don't think it will take me all day to complete it though. So I may start on next week's paper as well.
There's also an ad that I was asked to make. It's for a carpet cleaning business. They are planning on running this ad for quite a while, so I will need to bring my A-game to get the account.
Finally on the subject of work, I brought my binder of all the papers I have worked on home with me. I am going to make a list of the ads I made from scratch so I can get them printed out and into the portfolio I am making. Now that I have color ink for my printer, I am going to make good use of it. That is why I wanted the ink in the first place. Because you never know when an opportunity will come up that I will need it. And not for another job really. It could be used to gain accounts. If a business looks through it and likes what they see, they could choose me to be their sole advertising person.
Moving on...
I played Oblivion today. My Wood Elf character is on his way to find the Emperor's heir in Kvatch. I haven't done any sidequests. Which brings a question to my thoughts. Will sidequests like the Thoronir mission at the beginning of the game always be there, or will they go away over time. I may want to do the side stuff at some point for the gold or items, but I was wondering if they will no longer be available if I take too long.
I also played a bit in Grand Theft Auto IV. I completed one mission and had three successful encounters with Michelle, Roman, and Little Jacob. I also earned a trophy for earning 180 points in a darts game. Darts is the only mini-game I am good at. Dad and my brother were joking around on how I drive during the game. How I stop at the lights whenever possible, and apologize if I accidentally hit someone. I rarely purposefully hit cars or people. Anyway, my brother is playing GTAIV right now while I type this.
Well, that's all I have for right now. I hope to see you around the forums, and I'll have another update tomorrow. Until then...