I shouldn't judge.
, 04-14-2013 at 06:29 PM (835 Views)
The title of this entry is Dad's saying today. He was talking about several of the other church-goers when he came home this evening. Every time he would say something, he would stick a "but I shouldn't judge" or "I am not judging" at the end. And then he would he give a reason on why he shouldn't or isn't judging. These reasons would always be about the person he "isn't judging". For example, he talked about someone who went to the morning service dressed nice, but in the evening service was dressing trashy. He "wasn't judging" because maybe the person didn't have anything else to wear. Another person was saved tonight. He said that it was probably to just get out of going to prison. But Dad wasn't judging.
Dad shouldn't judge because he does what he does. He is cheating on Mom, and still claims he is born again and saved and that he wants to shout it to the heavens that he is a good person. He shouldn't judge people on how they look or dressed because his number one accessory is his mistress! But no, because he's saved, it doesn't matter.
Things like this put profanity on the tip of my tongue. Of course, I don't say those words out loud (often) because I have plenty of other words I can say. But his "not judging" really angers me.
I never got to play Final Fantasy XIV. I installed it a second time, and it still wouldn't work. I am not upset by it. I probably wouldn't have like it. Instead, I played Fallout 3 all day. I am on my way to fix the radio signal on the Washington Monument. And after this entry is posted, I am either going to play Final Fantasy XIII or Grand Theft Auto IV.
You know how I said that I'd be making a video marking the 2-year anniversary of me joining TFF? Well, that's actually being delayed. Why? I don't have any cotton I can use to make a craft. I have cotton swabs, but I need more that that. So, it will have to wait until I can buy some cotton.
I watched the 6th, 7th, and last Harry Potter movies today as well. They were okay. The sixth book is my favorite, and I liked the movie. Just not nearly as much as the book. I liked how they cut the last book into two movies. That way, people who didn't like the first part wouldn't have to watch the second part. I wish they would have done with other films. Like Titanic (that boat took FOREVER to sink!), The Stand (gosh, it was like that movie was never going to end), and Speed (for a movie that couldn't go below a certain speed limit, it seemed to just inch along).
There are less than 24 hours before the current King of The Web election ends. I am currently in 26th Place with 401 votes. That is great considering I am not actively campaigning to win. After the Overall King of the Web competition, the Gaming King category is probably the most sought after title. Here's a breakdown on how many compete
Category # in Category # with Votes King of the Web 1977 95 Music 318 56 Beauty & Style 175 42 Gaming 1398 111 Vlog & Film 529 94 Total 4397 398
Anyway, that's what I did today. I am off to do fun things that keep me from thinking about how lucky I am to be alive and how I wish Dad would stop "not judging" people. I hope to see around the forums, or on PSN, or one of the other ways I interact with you. Until that time comes...