Forcing it down.
, 06-22-2013 at 07:05 PM (571 Views)
I think I am getting sick. I have lived so comfortably these last seven months with temperature controlled office work that I am not able to withstand these high temperatures. If this was last year, I would have suffered through it. But now I can afford to have the air conditioner on.
Anyway, I think it's just a fever. I forced myself to eat dinner this evening. I'm just not hungry lately.
Moving on...
I played more Skyrim today. I am almost to Level 25. My two main skills are Archery and Sneak. They're not the most compatible skills to be enhancing my male Breton, but I am still a silent killer regardless.
I am thinking of starting a file of Oblivion again. But not for the main story. I never did the Knights of the Nine story back when I played the game on my brother's PS3 a few years ago. I nearly finished Sheogorath's whatever it's called though. I was reading the back of the game cases and thought it would be nice to just do Knights of the Nine. So I figured I'd give it a shot. It couldn't be too difficult to do right at the start of the game, right?
One thing I am really annoyed with Skyrim is the fact that bandit clans repopulate the caves and camps after I clear them out. I thought I could just fast travel to the closest place possible to where I needed to go, but then I am ambushed at some no account campsite that has a battalion of bandits just itching to shove their dagger blades in my backside. On top of that, there are giants now that seem to have been waiting right outside the vicinity of the campsite. So I have to kill everything when all I really wanted to do was take a leisurely stroll to my next quest. You know, take in the scenery.
And it is some GREAT scenery. I really like how there is a fox that stays alongside me as I travel. It's so cute. And then when a wolf or bear kills it, I go psycho and kill everything in sight as an act of revenge toward all those that hurt my little fox friend. I go completely mental on whatever comes near the little bunny that also follows me around. I don't know if it's just because of this, but I didn't notice the fox and the bunny following me until after I became a werewolf. Do the furry woodland creatures treat me like Snow White naturally, or is it just because I can become a furry woodland creature on command? Either way, I'm not complaining.
I do have to mention that I had a glitchy dragon fight earlier today. I was over where you get Red Eagle's sword when a dragon thinks it would be fun to burn me to a crisp. I get its health to half, and then it flies away. A short time later, I look up at the sky when I hear a dragon's roar (dragons roar, right?). The dragon that I was just fighting a minute ago was frozen in the sky shooting fire down at the ground. It was stuck there. So I did the only thing I could think of to do at the time. I shot the thing with about fifty of my weakest arrows. The thing wasn't moving, so I didn't want to waste my good equipment. Even after it "died", it stayed frozen in the air. Its spirit didn't get absorbed in me, so I left. Anyway, I just thought I'd mention that.
I slept on my couch last night. I was going to sleep on my bed, but Omega and Itsy Bitsy took all the good spots. So I just turned the television and PS3 off and fell asleep on the couch.
Tomorrow I think I will continue the fun I had today.
Well, that's about it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...