I should...
, 06-23-2013 at 08:39 PM (825 Views)
Consider getting one of those rolling TV stands so I could just have a mobile gaming center for when I don't feel well and spend the majority of the day in the bathroom.
And now that I have given you all a good idea you can use in your own lives, here's some things I haven't mentioned (or at least I don't think I've mentioned) lately. I have been saving these tidbits for days like this.
My credit card company raised my limit! Grandma said that I must have a better credit score now that I have a bank account. The doubled my limit. I was going to ask for a limit increase when I paid off what I owe, but I guess I won't have to.
Dad, my brother, and my sister went to see Mom on Thursday. And the first chance my sister got, she told Mom that I was planning on cutting my hair and dyeing it blue. Mom put her foot down and said that I am not allowed to do that. I could get it trimmed, but nothing drastic. And definitely no blue. My hair must stay the color it is now, the color it has always been.
Part of me wants to not listen to Mom and just do it to spite her. But it's only a tiny part. The rest of me says to listen to her. After all, she brought me in this world, and she is always saying that she would be the one to take me out of it. I wouldn't want the reason I am gone to be that I changed hair color.
Chances are that she just wants me to wait until she gets home so she can do it herself. She is more protective over my hair than I am. Asking for blood tests and urine samples is something she would only half jokingly request from prospective stylists/barbers. Remember when I said that there have only been three people to have ever cut my hair, and that two were dead and the other is in prison? Well, Mom sure isn't dead.
I am almost certain that Itsy Bitsy is pregnant again. She is getting bigger and bigger every day. The mobile vet clinic hasn't stopped in town for a while, so I haven't had an opportunity to take care of things. I think I may have to get my vet friend to do it instead. It would give me a reason to see Lisa again. We haven't see each other in eight years.
Moving on...
I played Oblivion all day today. The Knights of the Nine quest is alright. I accidentally got caught up in the whole Oblivion Gate thing over in Kvatch, though. I needed to rest so I could level up, and I thought that the Oblivion Gate there was story-based and would only show up after seeing Jauffre. So I saved the city before going on to Anvil. Right now, I am in Chorrol trying to heal Kellen. I hit a snag, because I couldn't figure out how to heal Kellen. Instead of using the power of Lay Hands, I instead laid my hands on him. I starting punching him, thinking it would work like one of those TV church programs. It just shows that I don't read everything that is put on the screen. I have just gotten so used to not reading the stuff and guessing what happens next because the lettering is so small on Skyrim. My television isn't meant for playing these fancy HD games.
I washed my clothes today. It didn't go well. The washer would constantly stop the cycle. After six hours of trying to get the thing to do the full cycle, I gave up and just threw everything in the dryer. I had to wring the clothes of all the water they still had on them. The washer has done this before, back when my Dad would leave the washer on after removing his clothes from it. If you don't push the button to make it stop, it will still have power in it. He wouldn't push the button and cut the circuit. Anyway, my brother did the same thing the last time he used the washer.
Moving on...
It looks like it is going to rain and storm here. The sky is really clouding up, and there's all kinds of thunder and lightning.
U got in a scuffle with Mr HandsomePants (the wild cat that travels from house to house looking for scraps) a few minutes ago. Handsome is Omega's and Itsy's father. So it makes sense that he fights with U and not Omega. If only the necessary traits to be passed down from generation to generation were being cuddly and gentle and cute and sweet, instead of being big and strong and hardy. Then U would be the Alpha Cat. What I don't get is why U and Omega don't fight. Maybe because they think they're brothers, and don't know they aren't related other than being my kitties.
Tomorrow I am spending the day doing the same things I have done since Friday. Reliaxing and playing video games. I haven't been spending a lot of time on the computer lately. I don't even vote for King of the Web unless I am taking a break from gaming. All I know is that I am still in the Top 25 in Gaming King.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...