I was...overconfident.
, 07-16-2013 at 07:38 PM (1404 Views)
I received an Email this afternoon from the person who interviewed me for the job yesterday. It turns out that I didn't get the job. She wrote that they found someone with a "better background and experience" for the job. Honestly, I can't blame the company. They are most likely looking for someone with store experience. Though I have dealt with people face-to-face, my experience is mainly behind-the-scenes. I will just have to keep looking.
Today was a full day for me. The kid I tutored was here all day today. His aunt was at the doctor all day, and my brother was asked to watch him. Naturally, this meant that I took care of him and kept him busy while my brother worked. We played a lot. There was a water gun battle in which I was the loser. My water gun was more like a spritzer than a water gun. His could shoot farther and was more of a jet of water. Which is weird because I bought both of the guns and came as a set, they looked exactly alike.
While we were cooling off in the house, we played video games and Monopoly. We had ice cream and popsicles as well. It was a really fun day. However, it may compromise my authority in future tutoring sessions. I will have to be more firm with our lessons from now on. I can't have him expecting to play games the next time we meet.
And because of the play day, I didn't get to really settle into a gaming day like I had wanted. When I was finally alone, I found a Japanese TV drama that I became addicted to. And that's what has kept my attention until right now.
The show is called The Queen's Classroom. It aired last year in Japan, and they are currently airing a Korean version of it this year. The show follows a class of 24 6th Grade students as they survive a year with their "devilish teacher". This teacher is nothing like what most of us would imagine a teacher to be like. As much as I would like to tell you, I feel that anything I say might put you off from ever watching it. It is just so bad what the main characters have to go through, that it may make you cry. And the teacher plays it off as training for the real world.
The reason I started watching this show today was that SHINee (a K-Pop group) sang one of the songs for the soundtrack of the Korean version. And because the Korean version is still hard to come by currently due to it still airing, I began watching the original. It's probably best that I watch the Japanese version anyway, since it is the orginal. The Korean television stations tend to ban anything that may send a bad impression toward their audiences, so the original is worth the view. I recommend that you watch it. I even saved the show to my bookmarks so I don't have to search for it.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...