What I am playing at the moment...
, 12-22-2014 at 09:59 AM (946 Views)
This entry will be what video games I have been playing lately, and as to how I performed in the most recent season of the Trophy Hunters League.
Since the end of the season, I have been playing a lot of Tales of Hearts R. It is the one Tales game that I have spent the most time playing ever. I really like the story, and the ability and level up system is easy for me to understand. I don't like a complicated ability system. It puts me off from playing altogether. So far in the game, I have six characters to play as. I would think I am nearing the end do to having so many of Kohaku's shards, but I have the feeling there is so much more to do in the game. But then I look at the amount of trophies I have earned in the game, and I then think that there is tons more to do in the game. I have earned four out of the forty trophies available. I wish they were more plentiful, but Tales games are known for very difficult trophies. On psnprofiles.com, there have only been 2,852 players to have logged this game in the lists. Of those, only 102 have completed the trophy list. Oh well, I will strive to finish it. It will be the first of the series if I do.
I have also been playing several other Vita games. Games like Crazy Market and Frobisher Says. But are fun little games that have kept me entertained for hours. I bought the power up for Crazy Market that allows me to not have to wait for my lives to refill, because I hated waiting 30 minutes for another chance to play. And I also bought the DLC for Frobisher Says, since I have earned the trophies for the base game already. I really like both of those games as well.
On the 3DS, I have been playing Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call only. I am trying to complete every song in the game, and unlock all of the characters. My current party is Vivi (Level 43) from Final Fantasy IX, Laguna (Level 35) from Final Fantasy VIII, Hope (Level 37) from Final Fantasy XIII, and Yuna #2 (Level 60) from Final Fantasy X-2. I think I am going to stick with these characters for a while. They are my favorite characters, after all. I have played all of the songs from Final Fantasy I-IV and I am working on the ones from Final Fantasy V at the moment. I have completed four or five of the short quests so far, and haven't even tried any of the others yet.
And as for the PS3, I played Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus again and earned all of the trophies for it again. It was for one of my other PSN accounts. And then I started back on my Final Fantasy XIII-2 save file, finally finishing (again) the first part of the game. Yeah, Serah and Noel have left Bodhum so many times that they practically spend all of their time leaving that place. Eventually, they will get somewhere else. And then most nights my friend and I play together in one hack-and-slash game or another. Sometimes Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, or Samurai Warriors 4, or One Piece: Pirate Warriors 1 or 2. I don't really care for games like that, but I do like playing with other people sometimes. And since my friend likes these games, that's what we play.
Moving on...
I finished the Silver League in 7th Place this season. Unfortunately, that means I am demoted to the Bronze League. But it stings a little, because I was so close to being able to stay in the Silver League. If I had won that last match, I would be able to stay in the Silver League. Now I have to climb back up from the bottom. I know it was what I wanted to do this season, but after really trying to prove that I belonged in the Silver League, I feel bad that all that work went to waste.
The sixth season of the Trophy Hunters League doesn't start until after the first of the year, so to make up for the extra long break, a side event is planned. For one week, players will be paired up with other people to see who can earn the most trophies. I talked the friend mentioned above into joining (because there isn't a platinum requirement like in the regular league), because I thought it would be a good chance for us to work as a team together. However, I have done some analysis on the method of choosing teams. Unless one of us earns a lot more trophies before the deadline, or we both earn enough to put us directly in the middle of the group, we won't be teamed up together. Further analysis is necessary, because of how there are still a few days before the entry deadline. So I am hoping we can get lucky and be partnered together.
Well, that's about it for now. I still have some things to do for the TFF awards today. Tomorrow I delivering papers, which is weird because I have never delivered on a Tuesday before. When Christmas was on a Thursday before, we would deliver on Christmas Eve. But this is just one more oddball thing that makes me think the current management is driving the business into a hole. Oh well. As long as I am paid, I don't care. I just wish it wouldn't rain tomorrow, as it is forecast to do. But I wouldn't expect any different. If I were to deliver on Thursday, it would probably be raining then, instead of the great weather it will get this week.
So, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...