I must not make this a habit...
, 12-20-2014 at 09:29 PM (764 Views)
Oh my!
I have been quite busy lately.
First off, an update on the puppies. They are growing up so fast! And Luca looks as if she's given everything of herself to them. She's so thin now. I am trying to fatten her back up, because it won't do to have her so thin in this weather. And Jackson is loving all of this extra attention. He's never had so many lovely girls following him around. And he is a very proud puppy papa. He spends the day playing with his daughters, and his energy is spent that he falls asleep as soon as he gets back in the house. Take right now for instance. He came in the house, climbed on my mattress, and fell asleep. He hasn't even noticed that his best friend Bella the Cat climbed up next to him and fell asleep beside him.
Up next in this long overdue update is my supreme happiness at receiving the award for TFF's Best Blogger this year. I wasn't expecting it at all when preparing for this year's awards. Anyway, I can't really talk much about it right now, because of how the votes are still coming in and whatnot. There's less than one day left before the Voting period ends, so get your votes in before that.
Work has been rough lately. Mainly because the weather has been so bitterly cold. I have to ride my bike to raise my temperature enough to stay in the shed and fold the papers needed to ride and deliver more. I got lucky this week, and finished my route at 10am. The week before though, I wasn't finished until after 2pm. I received my Christmas bonus this week, if you can call it that. Yeah, a whole $10 extra. I really shouldn't complain, because there have been years where no bonus was given. But it is also not the most I've received as a bonus. I don't know. I guess I was just expecting more.
Homelife has been spent holed up in my room. I have to stay in if I wish to keep what sanity I have left. Not that it matters, because the kids keep coming into my room without permission. I tell them no and to get out, but it is only minutes before they come back in. We had exterminators here on Thursday to try and rid us of our little pest problem. I took everything out of my room, and disassembled my bed. Now I am sleeping on a bare mattress with my coat and scarf as a pillow. I did bring one of my blankets up from the basement to fight off some of the cold. And most of my belongings are in the basement. Including my PS3, most of my clothes, and a majority of my other things. What I have with me is my Vita (with LittleBigPlanet), 3DS (with Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call), my laptop, two outfits (which I will add to when I get more clothes in the morning), and my toiletries.
My main task lately is to pull up the carpet in my room and in Joey's room. All I have left is to pull up the nails and staples still in Joey's room. I will be glad when I finish. I don't like straining my back like that. In fact, my back has been on the edge of going out again. Every time I cough or sneeze (which has happened a lot ever since I fell ill last month), the same spot in my back sends a sharp pain. If I can just stop coughing it will go away. I don't want to be stuck on my back. Not here. I won't have any way to escape of defend myself from the children.
Well, that's about it for now. I will probably go into more specifics soon. Anyway, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...