Every Penny Counts
, 08-01-2013 at 08:02 PM (918 Views)
I was finished with my route at 9:15 this morning. As I was riding back up to the office to get my check, I saw my brother in Dad's truck at the insurance company. I stopped and told him that I would be finished in three minutes. He told me that they would wait for me at the gas station.
So I rushed back to the office to gather my things. On the way there, my bike chain comes off the gears. I tried to put it back on, but I notice that one of the links in the chain is half broken. I sent a message to my brother saying it may be more than three minutes before I meet up with them. After I got my check and stuff together, I make my across town to the gas station. Luckily, I was able to get some speed going down the hill from the office. After that, I ran with my bike to the bank and then to the gas station.
I am glad that my brother was in town when this happened. If he hadn't, I would have left my bike in the shed at the office and walked home. My bike is heavy, and there'd be no way I would walk the bike home with me. Not up all those hills between the office and my house.
Unfortunately, my brother and Dad were not going home right away. They were in town getting gas to mow Grandma's yard. When we got to Grandma's, the three of them got started on that. And I was left with nothing to do. I actually considered bringing my DS with me today when I left the house, but I didn't want to risk breaking it. Anyway, I wandered around the yard while they cut the grass. I visited my dog Baby's grave (he was a super handsome white Siberian husky with icy blue eyes) and wished that he was doing well. Then I stopped and talked to the neighbor's cows. I have known them for 7 years. They are a funny bunch of bovine. After I bowed to them when they bowed their heads, I was able to pet them. Before that, they would run away. I would walk to a not-so-smelly part of the yard, they followed me. After visiting the cows, I walked back up to Grandma's garden and looked at all of the things that were growing. Corn, beans, cabbage, peppers, cantaloupe, watermelon, onions, tomatoes, and radishes. I may have forgotten something.
When they finished the mowing, we all sat down for lunch. I had meatballs and green peppers, and a bologna sandwich with tomato for lunch. Then we went home.
While Dad and my brother were mowing our yard, I was inside turking. Today I transcribed, translated, rated music, and made voice recordings. I had a funny (maybe it's funny) moment translating today. I was translating the responses to this assistance application a program received. One of the questions was "What are some things that have happened in your life that make you qualified for this program?" I had to do a double take when I saw the person's response. I thought it said "Siempre hay sida pobre" (AIDS is always poor), but it really said "Siempre hay sido pobre" (Always been poor). What I thought was the tail on the A in "sida" was a mark from when the program administrator was scanning the application.
Right now, I have completed and been paid for 151 tasks, and have 59 still pending approval. The tasks aren't difficult for me. In four days I can start collecting the money (you have to work for ten days before they begin issuing checks). I am going to work as much as I can in order to get a big first check.
Also, it is almost a guarantee now that I will have a job soon with Georgia's truck dispatching business. Even better, I will most likely be able to work here at home. I was told by Dad today that since he is considering becoming a truck driver (more on that in a moment), he would rather give me access to his business account than he would her. He also said that I would get to make him some business cards.
Now, I have no problem doing these things. I enjoy doing accounting and office work. However, I have been saying this for months. My father has no desire to work anymore. He is all talk. That's why my brother and I have been using every cent we make paying his bills. I am about to use up everything I have been saving at the bank in order to pay the electric bill and house payment this month. That's one of the reasons why he doesn't stay here. He taught us that if you don't work, you don't eat. So he can't expect to just sit on his butt watching my brother and I use our money to fund his desires. He's a perfectly healthy guy, and yet he chooses to mooch off of other people. So, though I act like I am happy for him and his dreams of working; I know that it won't happen. I will be over the moon if he does work, but I don't see it occurring. At least not while he is still being with Floozy.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...