I may have crossed a line...
, 07-08-2014 at 05:07 AM (695 Views)
Yesterday morning, Joey was sitting in my doorway playing (again!), and that forced me to have to climb over him and his toys. It was just one time too many that I have had to do this, so I spoke my mind. My exact words were, "From now on, would you please not play right where I have to walk." Carma heard this, and snapped down on me. She said that it was not bothering me, and I could just continue to step over him. What!? Why should I have to practically jump in order to leave my room? Out of all the places he could play, he chooses to play in the doorway. He literally sits where my door is when it is shut, so it's not like I could walk around if I wanted to. When I tried to apologize, it was like Carma didn't even hear me, because she continue to yell at me. So, I went back to my room.
Then yesterday evening, Carma said that I have two choices: to either move out, or deal with it when Joey does things that annoy me. As much as I wanted to backtalk and tell her that maybe she should be more strict with him so he doesn't do things he shouldn't, I just agreed to deal with it. I mean, I have nowhere else to go. So now I am back at Square One. I spent the entire night thinking that nothing will be the same, and that Carma will be trying to find some reason to not let me stay here anymore. That's what it feels like, at least.
I didn't do much yesterday. I was upset about the whole situation. I managed to play some Pokémon X, but all I did was leave the second Gym and head up Route 10 some. Other than that, I mTurk'ed some. I just didn't feel up to doing much else. And I didn't sleep well either. It acted like it was going to rain, but it didn't. It will rain today though. I hope it does. I don't really have a plan for today other than feeding the animals.
So...I guess I'll end it here. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...