A lazy Sunday...
, 09-22-2014 at 06:16 AM (838 Views)
Yesterday was a nice day. I had no real responsibilities to deal with, and got to laze around doing nothing. I played video games and worked on learning languages. For Japanese, I made a chart of katakana and hiragana letters. I also completed some workbook pages that tied in with what I have read so far. And for Korean, I worked on the second lesson in the book, which teaches on the meaning of 네 (ne) and 아니요 (aniyo). I really need to figure out how to type in Korean and Japanese so I don't have to go to Google Translate. Never mind, I figured it out. That will make it much easier to type.
As for video games, I earned a trophy for Uno, and another for Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. It won't be enough to let me win the third match, but at least it's more than the one point I earned during match 2. And before bed, I started up a new save file for Grand Theft Auto V. During my time playing the game, the PS3 shut off three times. After the third time, I went to bed. I was tired anyway. I will try playing some more today.
Another thing I am going to do today is mow the yard. I just have to wait for the grass to dry. And I guess that's it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...