I like that new show 'Scorpion'...
, 09-23-2014 at 06:38 AM (1089 Views)
Yesterday was a nice and quiet day. I played some video games (although nothing for too long), and completed another lesson in the Korean book. Now I can say hello, goodbye, thank you, yes, and no.
But the big news is that I received the e-gift card from Wal-Mart yesterday. I was surprised that it came. The guy at the hardware store said that it would only be sent out on Monday. And then yesterday I was checking my email and I saw that it had arrived. So, I went straight to the website and bought the bike I had put in the cart. Because of tax, I had to pay $8.62 for the new bike. Here's a picture.
It doesn't have a basket on it, but I can put one of the baskets I have on it. It should be here on Monday. I am so excited about it.
And now I can save up for the new PS3 system. I was thinking of purchasing it through Wal-Mart as well, but since I have no money left on the gift card, I can get it from anywhere. I just wanted to be sure whether or not I had leftover money on the card before making any decisions. So, if anyone sees one for sale that's in excellent condition, tell me.
Last night from about 7pm all the way midnight, a friend and I talked over on PSN. It was nice. We watched The Big Bang Theory together. I was getting tired though, so I had to log off. The only downside is that we can't play any games while chatting. He's getting a new computer soon, so maybe then we can talk and play together.
I did get the mowing done yesterday. I started earlier than usual, and was finished before Joey got home from school. It looks nice. It may be one of the last times I mow the yard, which is great news. That is because it frosted here last night, which isn't so great. I don't want it to be wintry yet.
Well, that's all for now. I h ope to see you around the forums, and until then...